The Bourgeois Public Discusses Art II: Arts and their Publics in Central Europe between Regional and European Centres.
Thursday 17 October,
Lower Hall of the Institute of Czech Literature, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1.
Pavla Machalíková / Dalibor Dobiáš, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague: Opening.
Meike Wagner, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich: The Emergence of Bourgeois German Theatre between Private and Public Spheres.
Karolina Kulpa, University of Warsaw: The Construct(ion) of ‘The People’ in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Polish Literary Criticism.
Karel Šima, Charles University, Prague: What is the Purpose of Collective Singing? Choral Societies and their Publics in Bohemian Lands.
Tomáš Sekyrka, National Museum, Prague: Who were the Prague Friends of Art? Members of the Fine Arts Association at the End of the 19th Century.
Reetta Eiranen, Tampere University: Language, Audience and Motivations in the Finnish Literary Publications, 1830s-1850s.
Zuzana Urválková and Marek Želísko, Masaryk University, Brno: The Entertaining Reading Edition and Review Denice of Jakub Malý in the Light of Contemporary Critical Reflection.
Eva Palkovičová, Slovak Academy of Sciences: Ľudovít Kubáni: Soul in Paris, Body in Malohont.
Petra Ježková, Arts and Theatre Institute, Prague: Monuments as Part of the Strategy of Canonization of Women Writers at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Century.
Jindřich Toman, University of Michigan: Can Jews Perceive Beauty?
Ladislav Futtera, Technical University, Liberec: Für Gott, König, Vaterland und stille Schönheit. Der Autonomisierungsprozess des sorbischen Schrifttums an der Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert.
Samuel D. Albert, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York: The Hungarian of Austro-Hungarian Art in Early 20th Century Exhibitions.
Friday 18 October,
Lower Hall of the Institute of Czech Literature, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1.
Krisztina Lajosi-Moore, University of Amsterdam: Cosmopolitan and National Musical Publics in the 19th Century.
Nóra Veszprémi, University of Birmingham: National or Regional Publics? The Museum Landscape in Nineteenth-Century Hungary.
Anna Habánová, Technical University, Liberec: Heimisch oder fremd? Zu den Kunstausstellungen der Wiener Kunst-vereine um die Jahrhundertwende im nordböhmischen Reichenberg.
Dana Hučková, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava: Slovak Discussions on Art at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries.
Sigrid Nieberle, Technical University, Dortmund: A Concert Tour in 1857/1858: From Prague through Europe and back.
Iva Mikulová, Masaryk University Brno: The Formation of the Network of Central European Theatre Relations by František A. Šubert.
Katarína Beňová, Komenský University, Bratislava: Hungarian Artists at the Exhibitions of the Fine Arts Association in Prague (1870–1890).
Jakub Zarzycki, University of Wrocław: Master Hus and Herzegovinian Girls in Warsaw. Reception of Czech Painting in Polish Illustrated Press from 1861-1914 – a Reconnaissance.
The workshop is organized with the financial support of the AV21 Strategy Research Program The City as a Laboratory of Change and the GAČR grant projects Literary Criticism in the Czech Lands at the Time of the Formation of National Canons (1806-1858) (GA CR 23-05437S) and Spaces, Buildings, Authors: The Construction of the Cultural Public in the Czech Lands, 1790-1918 (GA CR 24-12190S).
CONF: The Bourgeois Public Discusses Art II (Prague, 17-18 Oct 24). In:, 08.10.2024. Letzter Zugriff 02.02.2025. <>.