CFP 30.01.2007

Reconsidering the Arts in the GDR (Carlisle PA, 25-27 Oct 07)

Elizabeth Lee


Reconsidering the Arts in the German Democratic Republic

International Conference
Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, October 25-27, 2007

The Departments of Music, German, the Office of Global Education, and the
Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues at Dickinson College are hosting a
three-day interdisciplinary conference from October 25-27, 2007. The theme
of the conference is "Reconsidering the Arts in the German Democratic

Two factors have had a considerable impact on GDR studies in recent years:
1) the vast archival sources that became accessible after the collapse of
the Berlin Wall in 1989, and 2) the rapid historicization of the State
following its absorption into West Germany. As the twentieth anniversary of
the Wende approaches, this conference seeks to explore new avenues into GDR
research with specific attention to the role of the visual and performing
arts. It aims to move the discourse surrounding the arts in the GDR beyond
the archives and away from the paradigms and rhetoric of the Cold War. In
particular, the conference will focus on new conceptual frameworks for
research into the subject and consider new methodologies and approaches for
contextualizing and assessing the arts in the GDR. Contributions in the
areas of literature, music, visual arts, dance, theater and architecture are

Possible topics include but are by no means limited to:

- Historiography

- Revisionism

- Memory

- Gender

- Myth

- Nationalism

The language of the conference is English.

Proposals are invited for individual (20 minutes) and panel discussions (1
hour and 30 minutes). Proposals should be submitted as follows:

Individual papers: an abstract of maximum 250 words, together with the title
of the paper, and name, affiliation and contact details of the presenter.

Discussion panels: an abstract of maximum 250 words outlining the theme and
goals of the panel, and a short abstract (max. 150) from each participant
outlining their standpoint. Panels should include no more than four
participants. Proposal should include the names, affiliations and contact
details of all panel members.


All proposals should be submitted by email no later than the 30 April 2007
to Elaine Kelly ( For further information contact
Elaine Kelly or Amy Wlodarski (

CFP: Reconsidering the Arts in the GDR (Carlisle PA, 25-27 Oct 07). In:, 30.01.2007. Letzter Zugriff 19.10.2024. <>.
