CFP 05.10.2006

ABC-CLIO Encyclopedia of World History

Fred Nadis

Call for Authors: Art History

ABC-CLIO is in the process of developing a comprehensive 21-volume
Encyclopedia of World History. We are seeking writing contributions from
interested scholars. We are looking for writers to prepare 500-1500 word
articles with a global perspective in the area of Art History.

Level 1: Up to 5,000 Words: All Level 1 contributors will have their names
associated with the entries they contribute, and will receive access to the
e-book version of the entire encyclopedia (list price $1,800) for personal
Level 2: 5,001 to 10,000 words: In addition to Level 1 compensation, Level 2
contributors will receive a credit of $500 toward purchase of any ABC-CLIO

If you are interested in writing 1 or more of the entries listed below,
please send a c.v. and, if possible, a short writing sample to Fred Nadis
and/or Monique Vallance:

Available Entries on Art History (as of 9/27/06)

Era 1 (to 4000 BCE) [all entries vary from 500-1500 words in length]

Theme 8: Science and Technology
Clay and ceramic artifacts
Innovations in ceramics
Southwestern Asia
Jomon in Japan

Era 2 (4000 - 1000 BCE)

Theme 1: Environment and Population
Artistic Conventions for Depicting the Environment (sidebar on Rock
Paintings from the Sahara (or South Africa))

Theme 2: Society and Culture
Tassili n' Ajjer Rock Painting (sidebar on Reconstructing Social Structure
from Rock Art)
Near Eastern Art
The Art of the Indus Valley
Shang Art
European Art (sidebar on The Trundholm Sun Chariot)
Mesoamerica and the Andes (sidebar on Masks)

Theme 4: Politics and Statecraft
Royal Inscriptions (sidebar on the so-called "Code" of Hammurabi:
Mesopotamian Legal Codes as Royal Inscriptions)

Theme 6: War and Diplomacy
Monumental Inscriptions (sidebar on Assyrian Chronicles)
Monumental Art (sidebar on reliefs of Ramses II and The Smiting Scene)

Era 3 (1000BCE - 300 CE)

Theme 1: Environment and Population
Hellenistic and Roman landscape painting
Hellenistic and Latin pastoral poetry
Symbolism of Early Chinese capitals
Representations of the World and Cosmos in Chinese tomb décor

Theme 2: Society and Culture
Evidence of criminal punishments on Moche pottery
Introduction to Funerary architecture, offerings, and rituals as signs of
Late Vedic funerary monuments
Late Jomon and Yayoi funerary sculpture
Olmec Burials and caches
Shaft tombs from west Mexico
Introduction to Art styles as cultural manifestations
Nok terracotta sculpture
Chinese art pre-Qin
Chinese Art Qin and Han
Olmec style horizon

Theme 4: Politics and Statecraft
Introduction to Politics and Art
The development of state sponsored architecture and art in Near East
(Palace/temple complexes of region)
The development of the great royal burials in Warring States period
Development of polis based public art beginning with the temple buildings in
the western colonies and culminating in the building of the Parthenon
Spread of Greek culture and art as aspects of imperial administration
Spread of Roman urban forms throughout the Mediterranean as aspects of the
Building of the tomb of Shihuangdi
Images of filial piety in China
Spread of talud-tablero style of building
Maya images of power (early stele at Kaminaljuyu and architectural masks
Olmec ruler images in association with altars
Mounds used to mark territory in Mid-west

Theme 5: Economics and Trade
Development of the lost wax technique for gold jewelry in Columbia
Introduction to Art and Economy
Development of elite craft art among the people of MesoAmerica

Theme 6: War and Diplomacy
Introduction to War, Peace, and the Arts
Assyrian battle reliefs
West Mexican images of war
Theme 7: Religion and Thought
Introduction to Religious inspired art work
Jewish Temple images
Development of Greek and Roman religious art and architecture
Early Christian art
Pyramids of MesoAmerica and transformation images

Era 4 (300 - 1000CE)

Theme 2: Society and Culture
Material culture and gender-in the Medieval World
Introduction to Religious and Monumental Architecture 300 - 1000
Mosques and Cathedrals (sidebar on Hagia Sophia and the Mosque of Omar)
Buddhist Monumental Sculpture
Overview of the Arts in Early Medieval Civilizations 300 -1000
Painting and Sculpture: The Chinese Tradition
Painting and Sculpture in India and Southeast Asia

Theme 7: Religion and Thought
Overview of Religious Art in the Early Medieval Period
Religious Art in Early Medieval Africa South of the Sahara
Early Medieval Islamic religious art
Early Medieval Buddhist Religious Art

Era 5 (1000 - 1500)

Theme 1: Environment and Population
Overview of Envisioning the Environment
The Environment as Perceived in the Visual and Literary Arts
Sub-Saharan Art of Nature
The Natural World in the Art of High Medieval India
Animal Art of Inner Asia

Theme 2: Society and Culture
Overview of Art and Architecture
The Monumental Balanced by the Human-Sized
The Artists of Sub-Saharan Africa
Mehmed II and Gentile Bellini: Artistic Patronage under the Early Ottomans
(sidebar on Bellini's Portrait of Mehmed II)
The Sacred Art of Hindu Devotion (sidebar on The Temples of the Chandella
From Song through Early Ming: From Delicate Ceramics to Massive Imperial
Japan: An Indigenous Aesthetic (sidebar on Sesshu Toyo (1420-1506): Artist
to the Merchant Class)
Western Europe: Cathedrals and Ivories, Tapestries and Reliquaries (sidebar
on Representations of the Virgin Mary: From the Romanesque to International
Was There a Pacific Rim Style? (sidebar on Tikis and Totem Poles)
Art for the Gods in Mesoamerica (sidebar on How Far Did the Influences of
Mesoamerica Spread?

Theme 5: Economy and Trade
Carpets (sidebar on Carpet-Making in Anatolia)

Theme 6: War and Diplomacy
War through Artistic Eyes: From Japan to Western Europe (sidebar on A
Timurid Painting)

Era 6 (1450 - 1770)

Theme 1: Environment and Population
Overview: The Environment as Perceived in the Visual and Literary Arts (500
Sub-Saharan Art of Nature (sidebar illustration)
Imagining the Garden in Tokugawa Japan (sidebar on Hokusai and the
Development of Yukyo-e (Woodblock Prints))
Nature in the Ming Imagination (sidebar on Thien Kung Kai Wu (The
Exploitation of the Works of Nature, 1637))

Theme 2: Society and Culture
Overview of The Indigenous and the Colonial
Sanjue: The \'Three Perfections\' of Chinese Aesthetics (sidebar on Wu Li,
Pine Winds from Myriad Valleys (18th century))
Japan: Haiku and Kabuki
Fusion Folk: Kroncong music of Indonesia
Mughal Aesthetics in India (sidebar on Shah Jahan (1628-1657) and the Taj
The Highest Form of Flattery: The Influence of European Art on Mughal India
Persian-Hindu Encounters: The Influence of Islamic Art on Mughal India

Theme 5: Economics and Trade
Mughal Art for Western Styles
"To Please the Eyes of the Europeans": The Chinese Porcelain Trade (sidebar
on Ming polychrome porcelain (San Francisco Asian Art Museum))

Theme 6: War and Diplomacy
Overview of the Art of Diplomacy: Gifts and Representations
The Art and Literature of European Conquest in West Asia (sidebar on The
Meeting of the King of Kandy and Joris van Spilbergen (1605))
The Aesthetics of Diplomacy: Representations of Diplomatic Encounters
(sidebar on The Embassy of Johannes Bacherus . . . To Aurangzeb (17th

Theme 7: Religion and Thought
Missionary Aesthetics and Devotional Imagery (sidebar on The Bodhisattva

Era 7 (1750 - 1914)

Theme 2: Society and Culture
European Influences on Indian Painting: 1700s and 1800s 600
The Beginnings of Modern Architecture

Era 8 (1900 - 1945)

Theme 4: Politics and Statecraft
Introduction to Official and Nationalistic Art
in Asia and Oceania (e.g., anti-Japanese arts in Korea; etc.)
in the Americas (e.g., war memorials; statues of Bolivar; etc.)

Era 9 (1945 - Present)

Theme 2: Society and Culture:
Art in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia (sidebar on Emigree artists in West)
Modernism in Architecture post-1945
Corporate Patronage for Modern Art post-1945

Theme 6: War and Diplomacy:
Anti-war in art, literature, film

Fred Nadis, Ph.D.
World History Encyclopedia
P.O. Box 1911
Santa Barbara, CA 93116-5505
(805) 968-1911, ext 132
(800) 368-6868, ext 132

CFP: ABC-CLIO Encyclopedia of World History. In:, 05.10.2006. Letzter Zugriff 11.03.2025. <>.
