Date: 09/29/03
Public health has a long and distinguished visual record. From
seventeenth-century engravings to the latest digital images, visual
representations have played a critical role in educating the public
about modern health crises. But what purposes do these images serve
beyond their immediate role in health prevention and education? What do
they tell us about the history of health care, or attitudes toward our
bodies, or the world that we live in?
"Visual Culture and Public Health" is the second in a series of symposia
sponsored by the History of Medicine Division of the National Library of
Medicine. It will include a keynote speaker and twelve presentations
representing the disciplines of history of medicine, history of science,
anthropology, sociology, geography, art history, and visual and media
All sessions will be held in the National Library of Medicine's Lister
Hill Auditorium, on the campus of the National Institutes of Health in
Bethesda, Maryland. The symposium is free and open to the public.
Thursday, October 16, 2003
1:30 - 3:30 pm Creating Institutions, Making Health Public
Chair: Rob Logan, NLM
Lenore Manderson, "Image and the Imaginary in Early Health Education:
Wilbur Sawyer and the Hookworm Campaigns of Australia and Asia"
Shawn Michelle Smith, "Nursing the Nation: The 1930s Public Health
Nurse as Image and Icon"
Gregg Mitman, "Campaigning for Health: Visual Languages of Disease and
Race in America, 1935-1964"
4:00 - 5:30 pm Keynote Address
Barbara Maria Stafford, "Public Health as Public Art: The Role of Images
in a Time of Epidemics"
Friday, October 17, 2003
9:30 - 11:30 am Seeing the Visible, Imagining the Invisible
Chair: David Serlin, Bard College and NLM
Katherine Ott, " 'Wheals Which Soon Became Blebs': Contagion, Public
Health, and the Visual Culture of Nineteenth-Century Skin"
Lisa Cartwright, "Moral Spectatorship: Visual Culture and the Child
Image in Postwar British and U.S. Child Psychoanalysis"
Emily Martin, "Imagining Mood Disorders as a Public Health Crisis"
1:00 - 3:00 pm Picturing Sex, Representing AIDS
Chair: Paul Theerman, NLM
William Helfand, "'Some One Sole Unique Advertisement': The Early
Twentieth-Century Public Health Poster"
Roger Cooter, " 'Dying on AIDS': Visual Imagery and Epidemics in the
Twentieth Century"
Paula Treichler, "Batter Up! Straight Men Play Ball with Condoms"
3:30 - 5:30 pm Mapping the Frontiers of Public Health
Chair: Elizabeth Fee, NLM
Mark Monmonier, "Maps as Graphic Propaganda for Public Health"
Fritz Hasler, "Visions of Our Planet's Atmosphere, Land, and Oceans from
Nicholas King, "The Iconography of New Infectious Threats"
For on-line registration, directions to the National Library of
Medicine, and other information about the symposium, please see our
website at www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/visualculture or e-mail
CONF: Visual Culture and Public Health (Bethesda, MD, 16.-17.10.03). In: ArtHist.net, 30.09.2003. Letzter Zugriff 14.03.2025. <https://arthist.net/archive/25906>.