CONF 30.10.2002

The Introduction of the Raphaelesque Style

J.L. de Jong

The Introduction of the Raphaelesque Style at the Italian Courts in the
Sixteenth Century

During the international congress on 'Cultural Crises in Art and
Literature. Reflection and Reaction', organized by the University of
Groningen in The Netherlands (November 20 - 22), Thursday the 21st will be
devoted to 'The Introduction of the Raphaelesque Style at the Italian Courts in
the Sixteenth Century'.

The main questions to be discussed are:
the motivation of Italian rulers to introduce the 'new' Raphaelesque style
of painting at their court the motives of the various painters to adopt this
style and to spread it to other places the reaction of local artists to the
introduction of the Raphaelesque style: did they adopt it smoothly or did they
oppose it? Can intrigues and clashes between artists at the various courts be
explained as the result of conflicting views on artistic matters and loyalties?

The program of this day is:

Session 1: 9.30 - 11.30 u., Institute for the History of Art and
Architecture, Oude Boteringestraat 34, Groningen, room 002:
Chair: Jan de Jong
Henk van Veen (Groningen): Sticking to your own past. Florentine tradition
in Florentine art of the sixteenth century
Leatrice Mendelsohn (New York): Bronzino in Urbino and After: The Effects
of Raphael and Raphaelism on Bronzino's Florentine Manner
Michel Kwakkelstein (Florence): The Development of the Figure Study in the
Early Work of Raphael

Plenary lecture: 12.00 - 13.00 u., Institute for the History of Art and
Architecture, Oude Boteringestraat 34, Groningen, room 002: Prof. Marcia
(Philadelphia): The Parameters of the Roman Style

Session 2: 15.00 - 17.00 u., Institute for the History of Art and
Architecture, Oude Boteringestraat 34, Groningen, room 002:

Chair: t.b.a.
Sabine Poeschel (Stuttgart): Raphael's nudes painted by Giulio's hand
Christine Tauber (Bonn): Francis I and the court of Fontainebleau
Jan de Jong (Groningen): History painting after Raphael: facts and the
problematic place of fiction

The participation fee, including lunch, is € 40, -- (for (Ph.D.) students €
It is not necessary to register or pay in advance. More information can be
on the web site of the Institute for the History of Art and Architecture

J.L. de Jong, Institute for the History of Art and
Architecture, Groningen University, P.O. Box 716, 9700 AS Groningen, The
Netherlands, tel. (+31) 50 - 3636091, fax: (+31) 50 - 3637362


CONF: The Introduction of the Raphaelesque Style. In:, 30.10.2002. Letzter Zugriff 05.01.2025. <>.
