DEADLINE: 24th November 2001
28th Association of Art Historians Annual Conference
4 7 April 2002
University of Liverpool
Collecting the Colony: Contemporary thoughts on imperial histories
A session to be held at:
Culture: Capital: Colony
Session convenors
Professor Partha Mitter, History of Art, School of English and
American Studies, Arts B, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1
9QN, England
Judith Green, History of Art, Graduate Research Centre in Humanities,
Arts B, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QN, England;
Collecting has been a central practice of colonialism: objects have
been captured along with territory, works of art acquired along with
information. Fragments of empire have been brought together in
collections embodying colonial and imperial projects. This session
seeks to expand understanding of the intersection of collecting and
colonialism by bringing together scholars working on the many
different aspects of this issue.
Proposals are invited for papers addressing any aspect of collecting
within a colonial context. Any kind of collecting may be examined:
whether public or private; consisting of souvenirs or systematically
ordered objects. Collecting of any variety of visual and material
culture (whether designated Œfine art,¹ Œdecorative art¹ or
Œartefact¹) can be addressed. Discussions of collecting in all
colonial situations, ranging from settler colonies to imperial
enclaves, and in all historical periods including the present, are
All papers should have in common the aim not only of tracing the
history of collecting within a specific colonial context, but also a
desire to engage with wider historical and theoretical questions
concerning the comparative study of colonialism and collecting.
Proposals should include your full name, institutional affiliation,
address, title of your proposed paper and an abstract of no more than
250 words. Send proposals to the above addresses, or by email to, before 25 November 2001.
For more information about the conference and other sessions visit
CFP: Collecting the Colony (AAH:Liverpool 4-7.04.02). In:, 24.07.2001. Letzter Zugriff 10.02.2025. <>.