CONF 19.04.2018

Trading Paintings and Painters’ Materials (Copenhagen, 21-22 Jun 18)

Copenhagen, The National Museum of Denmark, Ny Vestergade 10, 21.–22.06.2018

Angela Jager

Trading Paintings and Painters' Materials 1550-1800
A two-day Technical Art History conference

The focus of the conference will be on the emerging international markets and their implications for the artistic production in Early Modern Europe (1550-1800), in particular in relation to the trade in paintings and artists' materials.

Please visit the conference website for information and registration:


Thursday 21 June

08.30-09.15 Registration and Coffee/Tea
09.15-09.25 Welcome and introduction to the conference

Key-note speaker
Sandra van Ginhoven (Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles)
Flemish Dealers and a Booming Transatlantic Art Trade in the Seventeenth Century

Session 1

Maite Jover (El Prado National Museum, Madrid)
Imported Wood in Sixteenth Century South Spanish Panel Painting: The case of Luis de Morales Workshop

Anna Koopstra (Independent scholar, The Netherlands)
Trading Places, Making Paintings: Hendrik van Steenwijck the Younger and the Exchange in Artists' Materials

Isabel Wagner, Julia Brandt & Corinna Gramatke (National Museum & Bavarian State Office, Munich)
The Polychrome Wooden Sculptures of the Jesuit Reductions in Paraguay: Technical Study

11.10-11.40 Coffee break

Session 2

Katarina Bartur & Irena Radic Rossi (University of Zadar)
Archaeological Evidence of the Activity of the Venetian Vendecolori: The Case of Gnalić Shipwreck

Anne Haack Christensen (Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen)
Mercantilism, Monopolies and Materials: Trading Painters' Supplies in 17th Century Denmark

Ingalill Nyström & Anders Assis (Gothenburg University and Ljusdalsbygdens Museum, Hälsingland)
Trade with Pigments, Dyes and Binders in Hälsingland 1700-1800

12.55-13.05 Sponsor talk

13.05-14.30 Lunch break

Session 3

Forough Sajadi (PhD candidate, University of Warsaw)
Jan Luicassen Hasselt: A Flemish painter in Isfahan

Lisa Wiersma (PhD candidate, Utrecht University)
Painting by Numbers: Towards a Standard Approach to Painting Still-Lifes

Angela Jager (Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen)
Quantity over Quality? Netherlandish Paintings in a Danish Private Collection

15.45-16.15 Coffee break

Walk to the boat and tour to The Royal Cast Collection, "The Westindian Warehouse"

17.30-18.50 Reception at The Royal Cast Collection

Walk to the boat and tour to The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design, and Conservation, Holmen

19.30 - Conference dinner at The Royal Danish Academy (optional upon pre-registration and payment)

Friday 22 June


Key-note speaker
Jo Kirby Atkinson (formerly at the National Gallery, London)
Painting in a Wider World: Developments in the Trade in Painters' Materials

Session 4

Elsa Dikkes (Independent scholar, The Netherlands)
The Van Doordt Family: Traveling Goldsmiths and the Diversity of Skills in Sixteenth-Century Antwerp, London and Copenhagen

Jacob Simon (National Portrait Gallery, London)
London, 1600-1800: Trading Artists' Materials in Europe, Trading Worldwide

Pierre-Olivier Ouellet (Université du Québec, Montréal)
The Eclectic Market of Art Materials in Quebec at the End of the Eighteenth Century: A Study from the Canadian Artist François Baillairgé's Journal (1784-1800)

11.10-11.40 Coffee break

Session 5

Moorea Hall-Aquitania (Mauritshuis, The Hague)
Efficienza e Unione: Practical Considerations for Using Colored Grounds in Sixteenth-Century Italy

Rozemarijn Landsman (Columbia University, New York)
Smudges, Sponges and Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting

Kari Rayner (National Gallery of Art, Washington)
Found in Translation: Exploring Dutch Influence on Eighteenth-Century British Landscape Painting

12.55-13.05 Sponsor talk

13.05-14.30 Lunch break

Session 6

Giulia De Vivo et al (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam)
"Egyptian Blue" Pigment in the Rijksmuseum's "Adoration of the Magi" by Garofalo: Availability of an Unusual Pigment in XVI Century Ferrara

Sheila Barker (Jane Fortune Research Program, Florence)
The Trade in Ultramarine Blue at the Florentine Court of the Medici Grand Dukes

Erma Hermens & Barbara Berri (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam and National Gallery of Art, Washington)
Trading and Exchanging: Coloured Glass on the Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Easel Painters' Palette

15.45-15.55 Wrapping up conference
15.55-16.30 Refreshments and goodbye

CONF: Trading Paintings and Painters’ Materials (Copenhagen, 21-22 Jun 18). In:, 19.04.2018. Letzter Zugriff 14.01.2025. <>.
