A Cultural History of Emotions in the Middle Ages:
Contributor Sought
We are seeking expressions of interest from art history scholars
interested in participating in an important new project in the History
of the Emotions, a six-volume collection entitled The Cultural History
of the Emotions to be published by Bloomsbury. The collection will span
antiquity to the present day and each volume will be arranged into the
same thematic chapters: Medical and Scientific Understandings; Religion
and Spirituality; Music and Dance; Drama; The Visual Arts; Literature;
In Private: The Individual and the Domestic Community; and In Public:
Collectivities and Polities.
We, Juanita Feros Ruys (University of Sydney) and Clare Monagle
(University of Monash), have been contracted as the editors of the
second volume of this series, A Cultural History of the Emotions in the
Medieval Age, which will cover the period 350-1300. We are seeking a
contributor to provide the chapter 'The Visual Arts'.
Each chapter is to be a maximum of 9 000 words, including notes and
references, and to span the full period of the volume (350-1300), across
Western Europe. The aim of each chapter is to provide a coverage of the
current state of research on emotions in that field, so as to provide an
accessible point of entry to scholars regarding emotions research across
time and themes.
The timeframe for submission of individual chapters is July 31st, 2014,
with a view to publication of the six-volume series in 2015.
Contributors will receive one copy of the completed volume and an
honorarium of £100.
Should you be interested in this opportunity, please email the below
address with a copy of your c.v., as well as a paragraph framing your
research in terms of the History of the Emotions. Please write to
clare.monaglemonash.edu by October 15, 2013.
We append below an outline of the six volumes and their editors, for
your information.
Series Editors: Philippa Maddern, Jane Davidson, and Susan Broomhall
(University of Western Australia)
Volume 1: A Cultural History of the Emotions in Antiquity and the Early
Middle Ages (500BC-350AD)
Ed. Douglas Cairns (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Volume 2: A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Medieval Age
Ed. Juanita Feros Ruys (University of Sydney) and Clare Monagle (Monash
Volume 3: A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Late-Medieval,
Reformation and Renaissance Age (1300-1600)
Ed. Susan Broomhall (University of Western Australia) and Philippa
Maddern (University of Western Australia)
Volume 4: A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Baroque and
Enlightenment Age (1600-1780)
Ed. David Lemmings (University of Adelaide) and Claire Walker
(University of Adelaide)
Volume 5: A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Age of Romanticism,
Revolution and Empire (1780-1920)
Ed. Susan Matt (Weber State University, USA).
Volume 6: A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Modern and
Post-Modern Age (1920-2000+)
Ed. Fay Bound Alberti (Queen Mary University of London and Wellcome
Trust, UK)
Quellennachweis: CFP: A Cultural History of Emotions in the Middle Ages. In: ArtHist.net, 26.09.2013. Letzter Zugriff 10.02.2025. <https://arthist.net/archive/6020>.