ANN 24.01.2025

Fashion(s) and Censorship(s) (Paris, 23 Jan-25 Mar 25)

INHA, Institut national d'histoire de l'art, 23.01.–25.03.2025

Maialen Salcedo Berrueta

For its sixth year of activity, the SARTORIA research association is pleased to announce that the programme of cultural and scientific activities, based on the theme of ‘Fashion(s) & Censorship(s)’, will take place as part of the INHALab 2025 residency.

About the INHALab Residence
As part of its policy of encouraging and supporting young researchers, each year the Institut national d'histoire de l'art invites a group of researchers to propose a creative scientific project in a field related to art history. The Sartoria association is the ninth group to be hosted by INHALab.

The Sartoria association
Created in 2019, the Sartoria association aims to approach fashion studies through the prism of art history. Looking beyond the formalist approaches that the relationship between art and fashion has often favoured, the aim is to consider the methodological turning points that have shaped art history research, as well as the debates and concepts that are emerging today. At the same time, it will provide a platform for interdisciplinary exchange aimed at disseminating the knowledge and questions raised by these new research horizons, which are chronologically and geographically extensive.

Fashion(s) & Censorship(s)

The Sartoria collective's INHALab 2025 project is part of a growing interest in fashion studies in the history of art, as well as in current research into the political dimension of clothing, and proposes to address this aspect through the theme of censorship of clothing. A series of events, including seminars, screenings, performances, educational workshops and an exhibition, aims to sketch out a global history of clothing censorship and its contestation, from the modern era to the present day.

Here is the first program for January-March 2025:

23 January | 18h30-20h30: Inaugural lecture by Giorgio Riello (European University Institute)
4 February | 18h-20h: Lecture by Lisa Godson (National College of Art and Design, UCD)
5 February | 17h-19h: Workshop with Émilie Hammen (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
18 February | 18h-20h : Lecture by Silvia Vacirca (Sapienza Università di Roma)
5 March | 18h-20h: Lecture byUxía Otero González (University of Santiago de Compostela)
17 March | 16h-18h : Workshop with Khémaïs Ben Lakdhar (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
18 March | 18h-21h : Screening with Agnès Devictor (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
25 March | 18h-20h: Lecture by Bruna Holderbaum (University of Angers)

All sessions will be held at INHA: Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art (2 rue Vivienne, 75002, Paris, France). Free access, subject to seat availability.

Project organisers
Sarah Banon (Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis), Marine Chaleroux (Université d'Angers), Camille Hanen, Adrian Kammarti, Zoé Kiner-Wolff, Lison Le Guen, Maialen Salcedo Berrueta (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Ariane Serck (EHESS), Paul Soptirean (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

ANN: Fashion(s) and Censorship(s) (Paris, 23 Jan-25 Mar 25). In:, 24.01.2025. Letzter Zugriff 01.02.2025. <>.
