TOC 09.12.2024

Artls Bulletin vol. 13, issue 2 (Fall 2024)

Catherine Dossin, Purdue University

We are pleased to announce the publication of the latest issue of the Artls Bulletin vol. 13, issue 2 (Fall 2024).

Style Revisited

Style Revisited
Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Catherine Dossin, and Nicola Carboni

The Inner Form of Style: On Heinrich Wölfflin’s “Tactical” Formalism
Rémi Mermet

Manufacturing National Boundaries? The Notion of Style Between Identity Constructions and Spatial Approaches
Michela Passini

Copy, Style, and Art Historians Scrutiny: A Journey from Aby Warburg back to C.F. Rumohr
Marco Jalla

No Need of Styles: Building Up Architectural Historiography
Carmen Popescu

A Legacy of Discord: Controversial Meanings in American Mudéjar Style (20th–21st centuries)
Francisco Mamani Fuentes

How Many Annunciations Are There? Using European Prints to Digitally Explore the Iconographic Style of Eighteenth-Century Portuguese Azulejos
Rosário S. Carvalho

Style, Nonetheless. Eight Good Reasons to Reject the Notion of Style; Three Reasons to Use It Nonetheless
Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel

The Computational Eye. Deconstructing Style in Digital Art History
Paul Guhennec and Ellen Charlesworth

Artls at Work
Présence et identité des collectionneurs dans les biennales (1948-1965)
Sophie Dolto and Anthony Chenevard

The Artls Bulletin (ISSN 2264-2668) is a peer-reviewed, transdisciplinary journal devoted to spatial and transnational questions in the history of the arts and literature. It is published by Artls in partnership with Purdue Scholarly Publishing Services:

For more information on the aims and scope of the Artls Bulletin, please see the "About the Journal" page, and feel free to contact the editors, Catherine Dossin ( and Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel (

TOC: Artls Bulletin vol. 13, issue 2 (Fall 2024). In:, 09.12.2024. Letzter Zugriff 10.02.2025. <>.
