CONF 22.11.2024

In Time? Encounters in temporality (Zurich/Hong Kong, 29-30 Nov 24)

Zürich/Hong Kong, 29.–30.11.2024

Burkhard Meltzer

To be in time – for meetings, events, or transportation – appears to be just one of the demands of everyday-life. And there is no doubt: If we meet, we do so at the same time. But do we actually share a temporal understanding of this moment?

While some temporalities appear to be given by certain planetary conditions, others might have been established by infrastructure, narratives or cosmologies. By drawing attention to, commenting on, and possibly also intervening in temporal settings, the arts connect to such situations on the one hand. On the other hand, art and design practices establish temporal spaces where they are distributed, performed or exhibited.

Contributions from contemporary music, art and design as well as theoretical perspectives from anthropology, philosophy, media theory, and sociology will draw on the (re-)production and imagination of time, but also think about alternative concepts and possible interventions in temporal structures.

Organized by:
Initiated by International Affairs, Zurich University of the Arts in cooperation with Shared Campus and Hong Kong Baptist University

The program will be accessible via zoom (except film screening).
Register here:

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Friday, 29.11.2024
12:45 (Immersive Art Space 1.J30) /19:45 (AST916)
Welcome and opening remarks

13:00 (Immersive Art Space 1.J30) /20:00 (AST916) Comprovisations, telematic opening concert by Camilo Mendez, Roberto Alonso, Contemporary Music Workshop Collective Hong Kong, Charles Kwong, Sharon Chan, Telematic Performance Format Group Zurich

13:30 (Immersive Art Space 1.J30) /20:30 (AST916)
Out of Time, conversation between Camilo Mendez, Roberto Alonso, Charles Kwong, Sharon Chan and Patrick Müller about space-time shifts in telematic performance practice, collaborating between two distant locations in real-time.

14:00/21:00 Break

14:15 (Kunstraum 5. K12) /21:15 (AST916)
YWY—a Figure Traveling between Continents and Temporalities, film screening by Isadora Neves Marques and conversation with Burkhard Meltzer
After a short presentation of two parts of the YWY film trilogy (2017-2023), a conversation will follow the characters` geographical and temporal journeys between East Asia and South America.

15:30 Break

16:00 (Kunstraum 5. K12) Panel 1: In and Out of Synchronization: Patternings of Time
Chair: Daniel Späti
Stillness and Motion in Repetition Structures, lecture by Jakob Stillmark
Designing ‘Swiss punctuality’: Interval and Standstill as Im/material Design Elements and Showcase of the Swiss Federal Railways, lecture by Amanda Unger
MOMO VR: a 360° View on Compressed Time, lecture by Corinne Soland

16:00 (4. T06) Panel 2: Alternative Concepts: Accessing Time across Generations, Cultures and Abilities
Chair: Alison Green
On the Question of Time. From Nepantla Knowledge towards a Theoretical Critique of Cultural Fragmentation and Technopolitical Dissonance, online lecture performance by Laila A. Torres Mendieta
Unabling Ableism: Challenging Ableism in XR (eXtended Reality) Technologies through Crip Time, online lecture by Puneet Jain, Yesica Duarte, Christian Bayerlein
Fluid Time, online lecture by Kefan Bai

16:00 (4. T09) Panel 3: Interventions in Time: Artistic Practices to Break Through Temporal Narratives
Chair: Burkhard Meltzer
Temporality in the World of Bapo Art, online lecture by Haoran (Tyler) Jiang
Along the River of Time: Morgan Wong’s Artistic Practice on Temporality, lecture by Morgan Wong
Yoko Ono and Time, lecture by Gabriella Daris

17:30-19:30 Break

19:30 (Kunstraum 5. K12)
The Relativity of Time and Art. Unsettling the Archive at the Biennale, lecture by Silvy Chakkalakal
Chair: Sophia Prinz

21:00 (Kino Toni 3. G02)
Isadora Neves Marques, film screening
Exterminator Seed, 2017 and My Senses Are All I Have to Offer, 2024

Saturday, 30.11.2024

9:30 (Kunstraum 5. K12) Panel 4: Care, Labour, and Inheritance: Designs for a Limited Time
Chair: Burkhard Meltzer
Time is Up—Visualizing the End of Life: Then, Now and in the Future, hybrid lecture by Tina Braun, Gaudenz Metzger
Undoing the Script, Fictioning the Real and Sculpting an I/We in Time, film screening and discussion by Susanna Wallin
Cripping time, cripping design. The need to work and learn otherwise, lecture by Nicole Frei

9:30 (4. T06) Panel 5: Out of the loop? Technological Imagination of Predictive Time
Chair: Duy Bui
I Love Waking Up to A Crosswords and A Fresh Cup of Coldbrew, lecture performance by Linn Phyllis Seeger
Techronologies. Shifting Temporalities in Technocapitalism, lecture by Anna Kraher

9:30 (4. T09) Panel 6: Locating Times: Temporal Relations and Gaps Between Places
Chair: Laura von Niederhäusern
Remote Viewing: Place and Time, online lecture performance by Tom O’Dea
Time, Image, Book—a Dialogue, online conversation by Michael Hampe, Nils Röller

11:00 Break

11:30 (Kunstraum 5. K12)
Untimely Care, lecture by Lisa Baraitser
Chair: Alison Green

12:45 Break

14:00 (Kunstraum 5. K12)
Virtual Reality, Meditation and Death, telematic online performance by Royce Ng

15:00 (Kunstraum 5. K12)
Algorithmic Temporalities. On Micro Decisions, Autonomous Machines and Intervals of Intervention, lecture by Florian Sprenger
Chair: Felix Stalder

16:15 (Kunstraum 5. K12) Closing Remarks

CONF: In Time? Encounters in temporality (Zurich/Hong Kong, 29-30 Nov 24). In:, 22.11.2024. Letzter Zugriff 10.02.2025. <>.
