ANN 06.10.2024

Oxford Medieval Manuscripts Group (Oxford/online, 18. Oct-14. Dec 24)

Oxford University, 18.10.–14.12.2024

Elena Lichmanova

Oxford Medieval Manuscripts Group (OMMG).
Michaelmas Term 2024.
Fridays 5 pm (unless otherwise stated).

/ Program

Week 1, 18 October, 15:00
Weston Library
Andrew Honey, Bodleian Library
Cataloguing Medieval Bookbindings at the Bodleian: Manuscripts from Reading Abbey as a Case Study
Limited places, please write to the email below by 16/10/2024.

Week 3, 1 November
Merton College, Hawkins Room
Work in Progress Meeting
We are still accepting applications. If you would like to present your work in progress and receive our feedback, write to the email below by 28/10/2024.

Week 4, 8 November
Reading Group: Audience and the Senses
K. Rudy, ‘Introduction’, Touching Parchment: How Medieval Users Rubbed, Handled, and Kissed Their Manuscripts (vol. 2, 2024)
E. Duffy, ‘Ch. 1. A Book for Lay People’, Marking the Hours: English People and Their Prayers, 1240-1570 (2008)
Please write to the email below to join.

Week 5, 15 November
The New College Archives Visit (Muniment Tower)
Introduction to the collection with Michael Stansfield
Limited places, please write to the email below by 8/11/2024.

Week 7, 29 November
Merton College, Mure Room
Eleanor Jackson, British Library, Curator of Illuminated Manuscripts
Medieval Women in Their Own Words: Curating the British Library Exhibition

Week 9, 14 December (Saturday noon)
Bonus: Casual trip to see the ‘Medieval Women in Their Own Words’ exhibition at the British Library together
Please write to the email below to join.

Organisers: Irina Boeru, Fergus Bovill, Ana Dias, Charly Driscoll, Antonia Delle Fratte, Elena Lichmanova, Mathilde Mioche, Celeste Pan, Klara Zhao

To subscribe to our mailing list and for all queries:

ANN: Oxford Medieval Manuscripts Group (Oxford/online, 18. Oct-14. Dec 24). In:, 06.10.2024. Letzter Zugriff 03.12.2024. <>.
