OBOE Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2023)
Histories and Politics of the Bienal de São Paulo
Guest editors: Dária Jaremtchuk and Camila Maroja
The fourth issue of OBOE, the academic journal On Biennials and Other Exhibitions, brings together a series of case studies on the Bienal de São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil) by an international team of scholars.
The articles offer new ways of understanding the complexities of this southern biennial and of questioning its position within the larger history of perennial exhibitions. From in-depth analyses of the Biennial’s award-winning artists and of its acquisition awards that today constitute the archive of the Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo (MAC USP), to examinations of specific national representations and important editions, the research presented here is not only relevant to the field of art history with its current focus on exhibition histories and the expansion of the canon beyond US-Europe, but also to scholarship and research in Latin American art and exhibition histories more generally.
Table of Contents
by Clarissa Ricci, Camilla Salvaneschi and Angela Vettese
The Bienal de São Paulo as a Case Study
by Camila Maroja, Dária Jaremtchuk
The Biennial and the Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo: Micro-Histories of a Modernist Collection
by Ana Gonçalves Magalhães
Disputes at the 1st Bienal de São Paulo: Limões by Danilo Di Prete and its Award
by Renata Dias Ferraretto Moura Rocco
Women Sculptors Awarded at the First São Paulo Biennials and the Building of Artistic Recognition. The Cases of Maria Martins and Mary Vieira
by Marina Mazze Cerchiaro
Picturing Haiti: Philomé Obin, Hector Hyppolite, and the Participation of the Centre d’Art at the 4th Bienal de São Paulo (1957)
by Bruno Pinheiro
Conflicts and Accommodations in the Organisation of the 6th Bienal de São Paulo: The Museum of Modern Art in New York and the United States Information Agency
by Daria Jaremtchuk
Presence of the Primitive at the 9th Bienal de São Paulo
Emerson Dionisio de Oliveira
Regional Plots: The São Paulo Biennial and Its Impact on Latin America (1960s)
by Maria de Fátima Morethy Couto
Between Universalism and Difference: The Singular Movement of the São Paulo Biennials
by Glaucia Villas Bôas
The Local Context and the Institutional and International Contributions of the 24th Bienal de São Paulo (1998)
by Camila Maroja
OBOE Journal On Biennials and Other Exhibitions is an annual, open access and peer reviewed journal devoted to international academic research around art and exhibitions. OBOE's code of ethics adheres to COPE's (Committee on Publication Ethics) "Core Practices” and has been rated ‘scientific journal’ by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) in the academic field of "Antiquities, philology, literary studies, art history (Area 10)"
TOC: OBOE Journal, Vol 4, No 1 (2023). In: ArtHist.net, Sep 3, 2024 (accessed Feb 18, 2025), <https://arthist.net/archive/42468>.