CONF Apr 3, 2024

Symposium on Polychromy Studies (online, 17-19 Apr 24)

Online / Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Apr 17–19, 2024

Isabel Pombo Cardoso, Faculdade Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Symposium on Polychromy Studies, online, 17-19, April 2024: Archaeology of Colour. The Production of polychromy in sculpture up to the 16th century

This event is free of charge, but registration is required.
Please register by e-mail providing your name and affiliation before the
12th of April 2024 at the following address:

For further information see:


Day 1 - 17th of April GMT (LISBON TIME)

9h00 – 9h30 - Opening session - Isabel Pombo Cardoso

9h30 –10h30 - Moderator: Jan Stubbe Østergaard
Colour in Iberian architectural sculpture: The case of Cerro de la Merced
(Cabra, Córdoba) (5th century BC) - Fernando Quesada Sanz, Jesús Robles
Moreno, Enrique Parra Crego, María Isabel Sánchez Marqués

Colorful Insights: Unraveling Asia Minor’s Polychrome Architectural
Sculpture Through the Alabanda Anta Capital - Bariş Yener

10h30 – 11h00 - Break

11h00 – 12h30 - Moderator: Paolo Liverani
Power of color. Polychromy and symbolism of two alabaster urns of the tomb
of the Sentinate Cumere, Sarteano - Donata Magrini, Claudia Noferi

Study of Ancient Cold-Painted Architectural Terracotta from the Republican
Sanctuary of Monte Rinaldo - Diana Scirri

A study of the polychromy of Campana's panels - Ombretta Tarquini, Elena
Gabriella Lorenzetti, Lucilla Pronti, Anna Candida Felici

12h30 – 14h00 - Lunch Break

14h00 – 15h30 - Moderator: Vinzenz Brinkmann
Different Stones: The Weight of Colours in Ancient Near Eastern Glyptic -
Sergio Camiz, Alessandro Di Ludovico

(In)tangible archaeology of colours: permanent marks on anthropomorphic
haniwa and tattooing in Kofun period Japan - Elisabetta Colla

New Investigations on Pigments and Polychromy from Squeezes of Stone
Reliefs at Persepolis and Pasargadae in Achaemenid Persia (c. 520-330 BCE)
- Atefeh Shekofteh, Alexander Nagel, Omid Oudbashi, Federico Caro

15h30 – 16h00 - Break

16h00 – 17h00 - Moderator: Manuel Castiñeiras
From the Lumen to the Splendor. The Use of Light in the Greek and Roman Art
- Marco Brunetti

«A taste which, unfoundedly believed to be ancient, is instead unique to
us». From removal to rediscovery of polychromy in sculptures - Renzo
Chiovelli, Giulia Maria Palma, Vania Rocchi

Day 2 – 18th of April

9h00 – 10h30 - Moderator: Grazia Maria Fachechi
Beyond Art Technical Sources: Understanding colour production in Andalusi
texts - Ana Miranda

A Hidden Splendor: The Colour Of Medieval Cloisters In Catalonia Of The
Twelfth And Thirteenth Centuries - Laia Cutrina Gallart

Colour and light: the metallic and pictorial decorations of the medieval
sculptural ensemble of the refectory of the Monastery of San Salvador de
Oña (Burgos) - Ana Maria Cuesta Sanchez

10h30 – 11h00 - Break

11h00 – 12h30 - Moderator: Elisabeth Sobieczky
Crafting Culture in the Adriatic: A Case of Woodcarvers and Painters in
Quattrocento Dubrovnik - Matevž Remškar

The (after)lives of polychromy: pseudo-sumptuous surfaces of the
15th-century Venetian wooden sculpture in the Adriatic - Matko Marušić

Light, surfaces and materials: sculpting the imperceptible - Camille
Ambrosino, Federica Carta

12h30 – 14h00 - Lunch Break

14h00 – 15h30 - Moderator: Sara Sá
New findings on the original surface design of a wooden sculpture by Tilman
Riemenschneider - Wibke Ottweiler

Exploring the Creation of Carnations in Historical Written Sources:
Integrating historical Manuscripts into the Study of Flesh-Toned Polychromy
on Sculptures - Niva Cunz, Christophe Zindel, Stefan Zumbühl and Karolina

The Incarnation of Carnation - A Reconstruction of late Gothic Flesh Tones
using the Example of a Mary (1510) by the Workshop of Ivo Strigel - Tiziana
Thenen, Karolina Soppa, Stefan Zumbühl, Harald Theiss

15h30 – 16h00 - Break

16h00 – 17h00 - Moderator: Markus Schlicht
Pastiglia Relief and Sgraffito: A Study of the Polychromy on a Late
Medieval English Alabaster Altarpiece - Christina Spaarschuh, Elena Platania

"Grana de México" in Polychrome Sculpture of Cusco, Peru, in the Late 16th
Century - Diana Castillo Cerf, Andrés De Leo, Karinna Visurraga

Day 3 – 19th of April

9h00 – 10h30 - Moderator: Maria João Vilhena de Carvalho
Characteristics of the production of sculpture in Portugal in border areas:
two case studies - Elsa Murta, Maria da Conceição Ribeiro

The late-medieval polychromed relief from Borre church (Vestfold and
Telemark county, Norway). A case study of post-Reformation revisions and
restorations - Noëlle L. W. Streeton, Francesco Caruso, Tine Frøysaker,
Maite Maguregui, Calin Constantin Steindal

The restorations on the polychromy of the tomb monument of Isabel of
Aragon: the historical sources - Giulia Rossi Vairo

10h30 – 11h00 - Break

11h00 – 12h30 - Moderator: Noëlle L. W. Streeton
Techniques of veristic polychromy in late medieval sculptures of southern
germany and experimental art technology - Harald Theiss, Petra Bausch,
Patrick Dietemann, Ursula Baumer, Miguel Gonzalez de Quevedo Ibañez, Thomas

Adjusting the flow properties of oil paints in context of experimental
reconstructions of veristic sculptures - Patrick Dietemann, Ursula Baumer,
Harald Theiss

Invisible materials, visible meanings, color-based hierarchies in the
Middle Ages - Grazia Maria Fachechi, Alberto Virdis

12h30-12h45 - Closing session

CONF: Symposium on Polychromy Studies (online, 17-19 Apr 24). In:, Apr 3, 2024 (accessed Jan 15, 2025), <>.
