The way in which architects have studied the fragments, ruins and buildings of the past has been a consistent focus of architectural history from the earliest times. The conference will address how different types of information on past architecture were created, collected, translated, and disseminated via various media between the Sixteenth and Eighteenth Centuries.
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The NIKI is located in Florence, Viale Evangelista Torricelli 5.
10.15 Coffee/tea
10.45 Michael W. Kwakkelstein (NIKI)
Director’s Welcome
11.00 Eleonora Pistis (Columbia University)
Introduction - Fragments of Knowledge and Architecture
11.30 Krista De Jonge (KU Leuven)
Without Rome: Fragments as Signifiers of Antiquity in Netherlandish Sixteenth-Century Architecture, from the Treatise to the Building
12.00 Konrad Ottenheym (Utrecht University)
Castles and Temples in Ancient Batavia, according to Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Dutch Scholars
12.40 Lunch break
14.00 Bianca De Divitiis (Università di Napoli Federico II)Creating Traditions: Ancient and new spolia between Southern Italy and the Iberian Americas
14.30 Fulvio Lenzo (Università IUAV di Venezia)
Ferdinando Sanfelice: nobile di seggio e “amante delle antichità”
15.00 Alper Metin (Università degli Studi di Bologna)
Precursing the novel, recalling the bygone: Material and ideal presence of the past in Eighteenth-century Istanbul constructions
15.30 Coffee/tea
16.00 Cinzia Sicca (Università degli Studi di Pisa)
“Random Drawings from your Sheets shall take/ And of one Beauty many Blunders make”: Drawings after the Antique in early Eighteenth-Century England
16.30 Susanna Pasquali (Sapienza Università di Roma) Si possono collezionare le colonne antiche? L’Antico e l’architettura nella seconda metà del Settecento a Roma
17.00 Discussion
17.30 Reception
FRIDAY, June 9
9.15 Coffee/tea
9.45 Victor Plahte Tschudi (Oslo School of Architecture and Design/I Tatti)
The Papal Privilegio and Serlio’s Book on the Antiquities of Rome
10.15 Sarah McPhee (Emory University)
The Pyramid of Gaius Cestius: Prints, Maps and Antiquarian Research in Seventeenth-Century Rome
10.45 Coffee/tea
11.15 Mario Bevilacqua (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Trees of Knowledge, Encyclopedias, and Roman Cartography in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
11.45 Heather Hyde Minor (University of Notre Dame)
Paper Prisons: Evidence, Antiquarianism and Architecture in Early Modern Rome
12.15 Discussion and final remarks
CONF: Fragments, Architecture, and Antiquarian Knowledge (online/Florence, 8-9 Jun 23). In:, Jun 1, 2023 (accessed Mar 12, 2025), <>.