15th Conference of Iconographic Studies
Iconography and Religious Otherness
Center for Iconographic Studies - University of Rijeka, Department of Art History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split and Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism, University of Macerata in collaboration with COST project "Islamic Legacy: Narratives East, West, South, North of the Mediterranean (1350-1750)", kindly invite you to the 15th Conference of Iconographic Studies "Iconography and Religious Otherness".
The conference is organized online at the ZOOM platform with free attendance:
All information are available at: http://cis.ffri.hr/en/conference-2021-2/
Thursday, 10 June 2021
Opening of the Conference
Greetings and introductory speeches
Presentation of the IKON 14
10:00 – 10:45
Keynote lecture Debra Strickland
Otherness on the Hereford World Map (c. 1300)
10:45 – 12:15 Panel 1 (moderator Marina Vicelja-Matijašić)
Erik Eising
The Depicted Artwork as a Sign of Otherness: Differences and Similarities throughout Late-Medieval Europe
Karen von Veh
Mandeville's Travels, Medieval Monsters and the Construction of Difference
Iris Grötecke
Invention and Transformation of a new Sign: Paganism in Northern European Art of the Middle Ages
Eleanor Price
An Alliance of Sound and Bronze: Instrumentalizing Noise and the Other in Albert of Aachen’s History of the Journey to Jerusalem
12:15 – 13:45 Panel 2 (moderator Elena Paulino Montero)
Jakov Đorđević
Visualizing ‘Sexual Otherness’ in the Late Medieval Eastern Christian Monasteries
Sergei Zotov
Pagan Otherness in Christian Church: Iconography of Greek Gods and Philosophers in Russia and the Balkans
Dmitriy Antonov
Demonizing the Enemies: Russian Icons of “The Battle of Novgorodians with Suzdalians”
Ayeshi Biyanwila
Heracles as the Attendant of Buddha: Converted Iconography of Heracles in Gandharan Art
15:00 – 15:45
Keynote lecture Claudia Cieri Via
Unveiling the Other. Art, Images, and Cultures
15:45 – 17:15 Panel 3 (moderator Giuseppe Capriotti)
Katherine Bond
Costume & Confession: Fashioning Religious Otherness in Reformation-Era Europe
Elena Kiryanova
"Popish Plotters" and "Bloody Papists": Representation of the Catholics in the English Illustrated Pamphlets in the Civil Wars and the Commonwealth Period (1640 - 1660)
Nicolás Kwiatkowski
Martyrdom and the Visual Production of Otherness in Europe, 1450-1650
Valerija Macan Lukavečki
Religious Otherness in Giulio Clovio's Miniatures
17:15 – 18:30 Panel 4 (moderator Karen von Veh)
Dmitriy Doronin
Christian and Shamanic Iconography in Altai: Depicting the Other
Rita Pamela Ladogana
Political Power and Religious Otherness in Fascist Era. The Polemic about the Connections between Judaism and Modernist Art and the Instrumental Use of the Nazi Iconography against Degenerate Art
Friday, 11 June 2021
9:30 – 10:15
Keynote lecture Giovanni Careri
The Ancestors’: Flesh, Genealogy, and Eschatology in the Sistine Chapel
10:15 – 11:30 Panel 5 (moderator Borja Franco Llopis)
Nataša Kavčič
Otherness in Medieval Document Decoration
Ivana Čapeta Rakić / Giuseppe Capriotti
An Inquiry into the Image of Jews in 15th-Century Istria: The Iconography of the Jewish-Christian Dispute
Marta Battisti
“Whoever Belongs to God Hears What God Says” (John 8:47): Picturing the Other as Deaf in Italian Paintings of 14th to 16th centuries
11:30 – 12:15
Keynote lecture Luis Barnabé Pons
And the Hill Came to Mahomet. Visual (Mis)Representations of Islam and Its Prophet
12:15 – 13:45 Panel 6 (moderator: Antonio Urquízar Herrera)
Borja Franco Llopis
Complex Forms of Otherness: The Gigantomachy as an Example of the Battle between Islam and Christianity
Sophia Abplanalp
Christian and Muslim Prisoners in European Art of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century
Francesco Sorce
Crusades in the Square. The Triumph of Rome against the 'Infidels' by Maturino and Polidoro da Caravaggio
Maria Luisa Ricci
Exclude or Convert? The Image of the Muslim Slave in the Iconography of the Vision of St John of Matha in Rome
15:00 – 16:30 Panel 7 (moderator Ivana Čapeta Rakić)
Laura Stagno
Anachronism at Work: The ‘Turk’ as Image of the Enemy. Case Studies from Pontius Pilate to Protestant Persecutors of Catholic Martyrs
Mauro Salis
The Augustinian Way: Religious Otherness through the Images of Augustinian Devotion in the 16th and 17th centuries in Sardinia (considering Spain and other countries)
Olaya Sanfuentes
‘Otherness’ Underfoot. Enemies of Occidental Christian Culture Defeated by St James Apostle
Javier Cuevas
When Iberia Was Queer. The ‘Sodomitic Moor’ in 16th Century Spanish Painting
16:30– 17:45 Panel 8 (moderator Laura Stagno)
Özlem Yıldız
A Wise Enemy: The Seventeenth-Century Ottoman Portrayal of the Polish Commander Stanisław Żółkiewski
Marilena Pateraki
Monumental Management, Public Space Iconography and the Creation of the 'Muslim Other' in Interwar
Ömer Fatih Parlak
Variations in the Iconography of the 'Muslim Other' in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Board Games
CONF: Iconography and Religious Otherness (online, 10-11 Jun 21). In: ArtHist.net, 22.05.2021. Letzter Zugriff 11.03.2025. <https://arthist.net/archive/34186>.