CFP 24.03.2007

Mallarmé and 20th-Century (Dalla s, 20-23 Feb 08)

Anna Arnar

2008 CAA Conference (Dallas, Texas February 20-23)

CFP for Panel Session:
Mallarmé and 20th-Century Art, Criticism, and Theory

Remarking on Stéphane Mallarmé’s critical reception in the 20th- century,
Jean-Claude Lebensztejn once observed that the poet’s „corpse“ had for a
long time „leaned to the right“ but is now „inclined in the other
direction.“ Written over 25 years ago, the statement is an evocative
reminder of how the poet’s theories and practice have lent themselves to
realigning debates on the limits of modernism. This panel invites papers
that analyze compelling moments in these realignments such as: Brian
O’Doherty’s 1967 double issue of Aspen that paid homage to Mallarmé
through its embrace of medias and ideas that lie „between categories,“
Douglas Crimp’s nod to Mallarméan theories in his canonical essay
„Pictures,“ or, more recently, Jacques Rancière’s theorization of
Mallarmé’s poetics within his broader agenda to rehabilitate the notion of
aesthetic experience. The panel also seeks papers that examine the
relevance of Mallarmé’s ideas on 20th-century art practice- including
media „between categories“ such as performance, film, or the artist’s book.

Abstracts of 1-2 double spaced pages are due May 11, 2007.
Email abstracts to:
For more information, consult CAA guidelines:

CFP: Mallarmé and 20th-Century (Dalla s, 20-23 Feb 08). In:, 24.03.2007. Letzter Zugriff 11.02.2025. <>.
