ANN 27.02.2007

Announcing H-NC: North Carolina History and Culture

Matthew Gilmore

ANNOUNCING: H-NC: North Carolina History and Culture

Member of: H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online

H-NC seeks to serve North Carolina's diverse history communities by
encouraging interaction and providing an outlet for the exchange of
The list is a forum for reviews of books; announcements from archives,
museums, libraries, and other cultural institutions about programming;
research opportunities; research inquiries; public history-related
queries; calls for conference panels and papers; job and internship
announcements; and general discussion of North Carolina history. The
objective is to serve and involve academics, librarians, public
historians, graduate students, and other interested parties across the
Tar Heel State and beyond.

Check out the resources list at:

Like all H-Net lists, H-NC is moderated to edit out
Material that, in the editors' opinion, is not germane to the list,
Involves technical matters (such as subscription management requests),
Is inflammatory, or violates evolving, yet common, standards of
Internet etiquette. H-Net's procedure for resolving disputes over list
editorial practices is Article II, Section 2.20 of our bylaws, located

Logs and more information can also be located at:

Michael L. Weisel
Duke University
Email address:

To join H-NC, please send a message from the account
Where you wish to receive mail, to:

(with no signatures or styled text, word wrap off for long
lines) and
only this text:

sub H-NC firstname lastname, institution
Example: sub H-NC Leslie Jones, Pacific State U

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Follow the instructions you receive by return mail. If you
Have questions or experience difficulties in attempting to
subscribe, please send a message to:

H-Net is an international network of scholars in the
humanities and social sciences that creates and coordinates electronic
networks, using a variety of media, and with a common objective of
advancing humanities and social science teaching and research. H-Net was
created to provide a positive, supportive, equalitarian environment for
the friendly exchange of ideas and scholarly resources, and is hosted by
Michigan State University. For more information about H-Net, write to, or point your web browser to:

ANN: Announcing H-NC: North Carolina History and Culture. In:, 27.02.2007. Letzter Zugriff 22.01.2025. <>.
