February 14-17, 2007, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Albuquerque, New Mexico (330
Tijeras Ave. NW / 505-842-1234)
Deadline for proposals: Nov. 15, 2006
The West is defined very broadly, to include everything west of the
Mississippi River in the United States, Alaska and Western Canada, and
Mexican-American and Native American land. The variety of topics and
themes is considerable and may include but is not limited to:
- topographical landscape illustration produced during early explorations
- classic painters of the West–Catlin, Moran, Remington and Russell
- California Impressionism
- the Taos artists colonies and early painters in New Mexico
- regionalist painting of the 1930s in the Southwest, California, and Texas
- painting in the Pacific Northwest
- painting in Alaska and Western Canada
- architecture and urban design of indigenous peoples and colonial
settlers in the West
- early modernist and postmodern architecture and urbanism in the West
- perceptions and attitudes toward the West / the uniqueness of the West
- Manifest Destiny and the West / politics and art of the West
- depictions of women, Native Americans, Mexican-Americans in Western art
/ issues of the "other" in Western art
- depictions of frontier life
- women artists, Native American artists, and Mexican-American artists
from the West
- depictions of the West by artists from the Eastern U.S. and foreign
artists, and how their perspectives of the West are different / how do
different ethnic, racial, and socio-economic groups visualize the West
- ecology and environmentalism in Western art and architecture
- portraiture in the West / depictions of famous Westerners
- early modernists who painted the Western landscape
- modernist, abstract art, and Surrealism in the West
- depictions of the urbanized and suburbanized West
- Earth Art
- public art and memorials in and about the West
For more information, contact the area chair and / or visit the SWTexas
PCA/ACA web site:
Deadline for proposals: Nov. 15, 2006
Deadline for registering for conference (required of all participants and
attendees): Dec. 31, 2006
LCD projectors for computerized presentations will be available. Slide
projectors will not be available. Papers should be approximately 20-25
minutes long and should be original works of scholarship that have not
been presented or published elsewhere. Proposals should be no longer than
500 words / 2 double-spaced typed pages and should be accompanied by a cv.
They may be sent by regular mail or e-mail in WordPerfect or Microsoft
Word. Please include contact information (address, telephone, e-mail) that
will be valid until the conference is held in Feb. Days and times of
sessions are to be determined.
Papers should be about painting, drawing, photography, other graphic
media, popular visual arts, sculpture, mixed media works and
installations, video, digital media, architecture, urban planning and
design, indigenous artworks, etc., created in the West, by artists from
the West and / or living in the West, and dealing with subjects, themes,
issues and concerns of the West.
Proposals should be sent to
Herbert R. Hartel, Jr., Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Art History
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
City University of New York
899 Tenth Ave.
New York, NY 10019
Dept. of Art, Music, and Philosophy / Room 325
CFP: Visual Arts in the West (Albuquerque, 14-17 Feb 07). In:, 03.09.2006. Letzter Zugriff 28.01.2025. <>.