CONF 25.05.2006

Urban Contact Zone (Hamburg, 26.-28.5.2006)

Monika Wucher

URBAN CONTACT ZONE: sharing areas - using places

Konferenz vom 26. - 28. Mai 2006, Auditorium im Haus der
Photographie/Deichtorhallen, Deichtorstr. 1-2, 20095 Hamburg

Veranstaltet von der >projektgruppe< Hamburg,

(Please scroll down for English version)

In der gegenwärtig Umstrukturierung öffentlicher Räume, in den neuesten
Prozessen der Stadtentwicklung und im medialen Wettbewerb der Städte gewinnt
die Bildende Kunst zunehmend an Bedeutung. Ihr Potential ist bei den
Initiatoren und Trägern von Stadterneuerungskonzepten, von urbaner
Revitalisierung und Strategien des City Branding immer stärker gefragt. Urban
Contact Zone versammelt künstlerische Arbeiten aus verschiedenen Metropolen
des neuen Europa, die eigene Antworten auf diese Entwicklungen formulieren.
Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf ausgewählten Städten wie Budapest, Hamburg und
St. Petersburg. Sozio-kulturelle wie wirtschaftliche Bedeutungen von Gegenden,
Orten und Architekturen in diesen Städten werden zum Ausgangspunkt für
künstlerische Arbeiten. Verbindendes Element ist der Bezug auf konkrete
Gebiete der jeweiligen Stadt - auf Straßen, Plätze, Stadtviertel, Areale - an
denen sich gesellschaftliche Tendenzen abzeichnen. Contact Zones (Mary Louise
Pratt) sind urbane, kulturelle Aktionsfelder im Spannungsbereich sozialer

In connection with the restructuring of public spaces, with the latest
tendencies of city development and with the competition of cities in the
media, the arts gain more and more importance. Their potential is increasingly
searched for by those who initiate and support current concepts of urban
renewal, revitalization and strategies of city branding. Urban Contact Zone
brings together art projects and related works from metropolises such as
Budapest, St. Petersburg and Hamburg, that face up to these developments and
raise questions. Socio-cultural, political and economic meanings of areas,
architecture and places become vantage points for art works. The connecting
element is the relation to concrete terrains in each of the cities - to
streets, squares, districts, sites - where social tendencies become apparent.
Contact Zones (Mary Louise Pratt) are cultural fields of action in urban areas
of stress and conflict.

Friday, 26 May 2006

11.00 am: projektgruppe (Hamburg), "Introduction to the Urban Contact Zone"
11.20 am: Till Krause (Hamburg), "The Hamburg area as an expanse for permanent
observation and experiment" (working title)
11.50 am: Katarina Sevic (Budapest), "Contact Zones versus Turbo City. The
case of Budapest and Novi Sad" (working title)
12.20 pm: Anastasia Karpenko (Kaliningrad), "Art Guide. Königsberg/Kaliningrad
12.50 pm: Alexander Podoprigorov (Kaliningrad), "Three pieces about the city.
A video presentation"
01.15 pm: break
02.00 pm: Michel Chevalier (Hamburg), "Quietist art, spectacle, and
reactionary visions of the city"
02.30 pm: Doro Carl (Hamburg), "KIP - Künstler informieren Politiker / Artists
inform politicians. The video"
02.45 pm: Cornelia Sollfrank (Hamburg), "Forward to the past - the concept of
the cultural 'light house' in Hamburg's HafenCity"
03.15 pm: APA - Abteilung für Produktentwicklung und Analytik (Hamburg), "High
potential - low outcome"
03.45 pm: break
04.15 pm: discussion
07.00 pm: Offene Kartierung (Hamburg), "Learning from your district I. A
roundtrip in Altona, Hamburg".

Saturday, 27 May 2006

11.00 am: Magdalena Marsovszky (Munich), "Urbanität. Zerrbilder der liberalen
Großstadt Budapest" (Urbanity. Caricatures of the liberal metropolis Budapest)
11.30 am: Beata Hock (Budapest), "Visionaries, activists and realities:
buildings disappearing and appearing in Budapest"
12.00 am: Levente Polyák (Budapest), "Heritage and progress: narratives of
past and future in Budapest's urban regeneration"
12.30 pm: Jokinen (Hamburg), "Recalling city history - in whose name? Colonial
monuments, Participative Plastic and politics"
01.00 pm: Lilla Khoór / Will Potter (Budapest), "Királyhágó square in
Budapest's 12th district"
01.30 pm: break
02.30 pm: Yevgeny Palamarchuk (Kaliningrad), "Ways to start from the scratch"
03.00 pm: Ole Frahm / Torsten Michaelsen (Hamburg) with Miklós Erhardt
(Budapest) and Negator (Hamburg), "Fight against recuperation: the timeliness
of Situationist critique"
03.45 pm: break
04.15 pm: Petra Lange-Berndt / Uwe Täubler (Hamburg), "A walk to H. Contact
with lawless grounds"
04.45 pm: discussion
05.45 pm: Annette Wehrmann (Hamburg), "Orte des Gegen - Counter-sites. A city
walk through the Oberhafen and Münzviertel areas of Hamburg"

Sunday, 28 May 2006

11.00 am: Mónika Bálint (Budapest), "Cooperation with artists. Theories and
methods of sociology in art projects" (working title)
11.30 am: Anikó Szövényi (Budapest), "PraktiCity. A web project"
12.00 am: Sophie Dodelin (Chambery), "Using unused public spaces: artistic
installations and actions in Budapest"
12.30 pm: RandomRoutines (Budapest), "Inspired by the public situation"
01.00 pm: Attila Menesi / Christoph Rauch (Budapest / Hamburg), "Open House.
Developing public spaces" (working title)
01.30 pm: break
02.30 pm: Nikolai Oleinikov (Moscow), "Slipping revolution (time after). The
Sormovo neighborhood in Nizhni Novgorod"
03.00 pm: Sofia Tchouikina (St. Petersburg), "Contradictory social meaning of
post-soviet city space: the experience of artistic sociological intervention
in a workers' district of St. Petersburg"
03.30 pm: Samu Szemerey (Budapest), "Infrastructures in transition: the urban
potential of invisible networks"
04.00 pm: break
04.30 pm: final discussion

For further information, please contact: Monika Wucher, tel./fax: +49 (0)40
4302067, email:

CONF: Urban Contact Zone (Hamburg, 26.-28.5.2006). In:, 25.05.2006. Letzter Zugriff 15.01.2025. <>.
