CFP 12.10.2005

Grad Symp on Women's and Gender History (Urbana-Champaign, 9-11.3.2006)


The Seventh Annual Graduate Symposium
on Women's and Gender History


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
March 9-11, 2006


The Executive Committee of the Seventh Annual Graduate Symposium on Women's
and Gender History at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign announces
a call for papers. The Symposium, which is part of activities on campus in
recognition of Women's History Month, is scheduled for March 9-11, 2006. To
celebrate and encourage further work in the field of women's and gender
history, we invite submissions from graduate students from any institution and
discipline on topics in women's and gender history that address the theme of
"Mobility." Papers or panels may address, but should not be limited to the

· Performativity and the Body

· Cosmopolitanisms

· Boundaries and Restraints: Material and Imagined

· Intra- and Trans-national flows of goods and ideas

· Social Mobility

· The Construction and Experience of Public and Private Spaces

· Globalization and Feminist Theory

We welcome papers on any historical subject that might grow out of a variety
of disciplines and engage diverse methodologies. We also invite panel
submissions consisting of three papers, although each of the three papers will
be judged on its individual merit. In addition, we encourage papers and panels
analyzing the state of the field in women's and gender history. Preference
will be given to scholars who did not present a paper at last year's Sixth
Annual Graduate Symposium on Women's and Gender History.

We are pleased to announce that Jennifer L. Morgan, Associate Professor of
History and Women's and Gender Studies at Rutgers, The State University of New
Jersey and author of Laboring Women: Reproduction and Gender in New World
Slavery (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004) will deliver the keynote
address, "Accounting for the Women in Slavery: Demography and Epistemology in
Early African American History" on Thursday, March 9th.

We are also thrilled to announce that the journal Gender & History will
be sponsoring a prize for the best graduate student paper presented at the
Symposium. Presenters at the conference will also have the opportunity to
publish their work in the on-line proceedings volume.

We have limited funds available to assist with the cost of travel

for presenters who have limited conference experience. These funds will be
allocated based on the quality of the proposal and the distance to be traveled.

All submissions must be received by November 1, 2005.

To submit a paper or panel in a hard copy format, please send five (5) copies
of a 250-word abstract AND a one-page curriculum vitae for EACH paper
presenter, commentator, or panel chair to:

Programming Committee
Graduate Symposium on Women's and Gender History
309 Gregory Hall, MC 466
810 South Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801

To submit a paper or panel by email, please send ONLY ONE attachment in Word
format containing all abstracts and curriculum vitae. The subject line of the
email must read "Attn: Programming Committee" and should be sent to <> . We cannot be
for submissions that do not meet these conditions.

Panel submissions are highly encouraged to find chairs and commentators best
suited to comment on the work presented and should include a one-paragraph
description of the panel as well as curriculum vitae for all participants
including the commentator and/or chair.

We also invite graduate students to serve as commentators and professors to
serve as chairs for panels. These individuals should submit curriculum vitae
to with the subject line: Attn: Programming Committee.

For more information:

Please contact Programming Committee Chair James Warren at

Visit our website at

CFP: Grad Symp on Women's and Gender History (Urbana-Champaign, 9-11.3.2006). In:, 12.10.2005. Letzter Zugriff 11.02.2025. <>.
