JOB 16.10.2005

art/architecure position at Waseda University

The School of International Liberal Studies of Waseda University islooking for
two part-time lecturers. He or she will be expected to teach one or two sets
of twice a week (or once a week) 90-minute lectures on art history or history
of architecture. The salary will be according to the university pay scale.
(The approximate salary per anum is at present \360,000 for one 90 minute
weekly lecture.) The job is subject to renewable contract. Teaching will
commence in April, 2006.

We require from candidates Ph.D. or its equivalent academic qualifications and
prefer candidates who have good teaching experience. As all lectures are in
English, candidates must be able to give theirs in English. Candidates must
also have a good publication record in the fields relevant to the courses they
may teach.

Please contact Prof. Morita Norimasa at

JOB: art/architecure position at Waseda University. In:, 16.10.2005. Letzter Zugriff 10.02.2025. <>.
