STIP 03.11.2004

Henry Moore Institute Fellowships

Ellen Tait

Henry Moore Institute Research Fellowships (2005-2006)

The Henry Moore Institute invites applications from artists, academics,
curators and educationalists, who are interested in working on historic and
contemporary sculpture using the resources available to them at the
Institute. The collections comprise sculptures, a library, a slide and
audio-visual library and an archive of works on paper and original
documents. The Institute is able to offer the possibility of presenting
finished research projects in published form, as a seminar, or in its
exhibition galleries.

Up to four fellows will be offered accommodation, travelling expenses and a
per diem in order to use the Institute's resources for periods of up to one
month. Shorter-term informal research support is also available where it is
felt applicants would benefit.

Please send a letter of application, a proposal and a CV (marked RF) by 7
January 2005 to:
Henry Moore Institute
74 The Headrow

For further information contact Ellen Tait
Tel 0113 246 7467/

Ellen Tait
Administrative Assistant
Exhibitions & Research

Henry Moore Institute
74 The Headrow
T + 44 (0)113 246 7467
F +44 (0)113 246 1481

STIP: Henry Moore Institute Fellowships. In:, 03.11.2004. Letzter Zugriff 13.01.2025. <>.
