ANN 26.01.2004

AHPT Meeting/update & call for members

Andrea Pappas

Society of Art Historians interested in Pedagogy and Technology (AHPT) and
the art history technology consortium (AHTC)

AHPT was formally accepted as an affiliated society of CAA this fall and we
will again be holding a business meeting and panel at CAA in Seattle next
month (on which more below.) Other topics in this newsletter include a call
for new members, the future of our website, the AHPT sponsored panel for
Atlanta in 2005, and our interaction and relations with other groups such as
the Visual Resource Association (VRA).

If you have not sent in your dues for 2003, please do so by Feb. 10. Dues
for 2004 are also welcome at this time. The check for $15 per year ($5.00
for graduate students) should be written out to AHPT and sent to the
Treasurer, Prof. L. La Follette, 18 Dana St., Amherst MA 01002. This will
secure your place as an active member of our society. A list of current
members is provided at the end of the newsletter. We welcome your
suggestions for attracting new members.

(Please note that because our application for affiliate status with CAA was
accepted in October this fall, we were not able to put in our requests for
meeting times as part of the affiliated society process. Next year in
Atlanta our times will be more convenient ones!)

1) "Teaching with Technology: Partnering on next steps"
This year¹s AHPT panel on the theme of how we partner on the development and
dissemination of technological applications for art history teaching will
take place on Friday morning, Feb. 20, 2004, 7-8:30 am. in Meeting room 3.³
The imminent obsolescence of the slide projector makes partnering around
digital resources an urgent need for our field. This session brings together
publishers, academics and corporations to discuss partnership opportunities
around teaching technologies and associated applications.²

Chair, Prof. L. La Follette, UMass Amherst
Discussant: Prof. Kelly Donahue-Wallace, Univ. of North Texas
Daniel Bridgman, Director, Visual Communication Resource Center, Smith
College "Choosing Partners: Who Can Art History Trust in the
Post-Ektagraphic Era?"
John Swanson, Editor, Arts and Humanities, Wadsworth Publishing/Thomson
Learning,"Partnering from a publishing perspective"
Wanda Miles, Executive Director, Learning Technologies, Microsoft, "Partner
in Pedagogy or Purveyor of Product?"

2) Our AHPT Business meeting on Saturday February 21, 12:30-2 pm, Ballroom
6C will afford the opportunity for a brief wrap-up on our panel the previous
day, discussion on the future of our website and the vision for the future
of our society, including information on the panel we are co-sponsoring
with CAA in Atlanta in 2005.

Last year we organized our business meeting around five broad issues:
-Skill Development: technology-mediated learning activities: L. La Follette
(UMass) and K. Alexander (now UC Davis )
-Skill Development: writing as part of the curriculum: A. Christ (UKY) and
A. Pappas (SCU)
-Utilization of image databases: R. Carlucci (Columbia), K. Cohen (SJSU)
and K. Wetterlund, AMICO
-Distance Learning: E. Harvey (SUNY Rockland) & K. Donahue-Wallace (UNTx)
-Institutional change/Economics of Art History: C. Havice (now Kent State)
(for the full minutes of our business meeting of February 20, 2003, please
see our website)

We need to decide whether these are in fact the issues we wish to focus on
as the society moves forward. Besides a call for new membership, we should
discuss how we see our interaction with other groups and societies like the
VRA, which is sponsoring another interesting panel in Seattle: ³The Digital
Classroom: Safe Harbor or Danger Zone?² Thurs. Feb. 19, 5:30-7 pm with B.
Kessler, Univ. of Chicago, M. Marmor (ArtSTOR), K. Monger (James Madison
University¹s MDID project) and D. Leibsohn (Smith College). Room
will be available in the final program.

Given the budget problems at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, we
are looking for an institution to take over the management of the AHPT
website. This need not involve hosting it on a server: UMass can probably
continue to do this, but the management problem is critical. Volunteers?
This site is our public face and I hope can become our springboard for
online discussions, so it is perhaps the most critical ongoing aspect of our
consortium. Please bring your suggestions to the business meeting.

AHPT is sponsoring a panel entitled³Blending New Learning Technologies into
Traditional Art Historical Instruction at the Introductory Level² which will
be included in the CAA¹s 2005 meetings call for papers that goes out this

³A plethora of new technologies is being introduced into college art history
classes, predominantly by individual instructors in small classes on an ad
hoc basis, thus limiting the extent to which lessons learned can be applied
to other curricular contexts. This session aims to provide an overview of
strategies, best practices and emerging trends to fund, develop, and share
digital programs for large numbers of users in an academic (large enrollment
survey) or museum environment. Papers and demonstrations may
represent case
studies or broader investigations of technology in art historical
instruction. Submissions from faculty-teachers, museum education staff, and
publishers encouraged. ³

Kirk Alexander
Ruth Belasco
Alice Christ
Kathleen Cohen
Shelley Cordulak
Kelly Donahue-Wallace
Emily Harvey
Christine Havice
Eva Hoffman
Richard Hunnewell
Kees Kaldenbach
Laetitia La Follette
Marilyn Lavin
Andrea Pappas
Kris Wetterlund
Peter Wilson

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Seattle. Those of you
who won¹t be there, please email me your feedback and suggestions so that I
can present those at the meeting.


Laetitia La Follette
Editor-Secretary/Treasurer, AHPT/AHTC
Associate Professor, Art History
University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Andrea Pappas
Assistant Professor
Art History

ANN: AHPT Meeting/update & call for members. In:, 26.01.2004. Letzter Zugriff 10.02.2025. <>.
