CONF 03.10.2003

Presence 2003 (Aalbork, DK, 6.-8.10.03)

oliver grau

PRESENCE 2003 invites academics and practitioners with an interest in
research, theory, technology, and applications related to the concept of

presence to attend. The goal of PRESENCE 2003 is to bring together
researchers in the area of media and presence, content and technology
developers, and interested commercial parties so they can meet, share
experiences, present research, and exchange ideas.

PRESENCE 2003 is organized by ISPR, the International Society for
Research, and supported by the European Commission's FET Presence
Initiative through the IST BENOGO and IST OMNIPRES projects, and by
Aalborg University.

PRESENCE 2003 takes place in Aalborg, Denmark. The event is hosted by
Aalborg University, Computer Vision and Media Technology Lab. (CVMT).

PRESENCE 2003 Programme
Monday, October 6

09.30 Conference Opening by Conference Chair

09.45 Session 1: Immersion and Presence

Chair: Frank Biocca

- Invited key note speaker, Oliver Grau, Humboldt University, Berlin:
"Presence, Immersion, Illusion: What's the difference? Art History as
Image Science"

10.45 Break

11.00 Session 2, Shared Virtual Environments

Chair: Frank Biocca

Beyond Presence and Copresence: A Phenomenological Account of
in Shared Virtual Environments
Ralph Schroeder

Is there a Trade-off Between Presence and Copresence?
Maria Spante, Ralph Schroeder, Ilona Heldal, Ann-Sofie Axelsson

Facilitating the Presence of Users and 3D Models by the Augmented Round

Erik Granum, Thomas B. Moeslund, Mortiz Störring, Wolfgang Broll,

12.00 Exhibitions & Posters

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Session 3: Perception

Chair: Mel Slater

Preparing Virtual Streets for the Investigation of Mesopic Vision

Cecília Sik Lányi, János Schanda

The Importance of Shadows in Augmented Reality

C.B. Madsen, M.K.D. Sørensen, M. Vittrup

Rendering Quality and User Cognition: An Experimental Study

Katarina Mania, Dave Wooldridge, Andrew Robinson

Effects of Screen Size on Physical Presence, Self Presence, Mood, and
Attitude toward Virtual Characters in Computer/Video Game Playing

Kwan M Lee, Wei Peng

14.30 Coffee Break

14.45 Session 4: Basic Principles of Binaural Sound

Chair: Erik Granum

Invited speakers from Department of Acoustics, Aalborg University

- Dorte Hammershøi: Binaural Recording, Synthesis and Reproduction

- Søren Krarup Olesen: Room Simulation and Auralization

15.45 Break & “Transfer”

16.00 Sessions 5, Demos

(2 groups, change place at about 16.35)

A: VR Media Lab
(Cave, Panorama, Powerwall)
B: Department of Acoustics
(3D sound, Binaural)

- 17.15 Reception at VR Media Lab

Tuesday, October 7

09.00 Session 6, OMNIPRES Symposium 1.1

Presence Theory and Measurement Models

Presence research is maturing to the point that attempts to generate
comprehensive models of presence are emerging. In this session various
models of presence causes and correlates will be presented and


Longer format presentations (25-30 minutes).
Active questions from a chair discussant and audience questions

Jonathan Freeman, Goldsmith’s College

Peter Vorderer, Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater & University of

Mel Slater, University College London

Frank Biocca, M.I.N.D. Labs

10.30 Coffee Break

11.00 Session 7, Theory and Models

Chair: Wijnand Ijsselsteijn

Connectedness, Awareness and Social Presence

Ruth Rettie

Presence as Perceived Continuity of Experience

Richard Walker, Fabrizio Davide

The Strata of Presence: Evolution, Media, and Mental States

J.A. Waterworth, G. Riva, E.L. Waterworth

A Psychological Approach to Presence

C. Botella, R.M. Banos, M. Alcañiz

When Real Seems Mediated: Anti-Presence

Lydia Reeves Timmins, Matthew Lombard

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Session 8, Agents

Chair: Matthew Lombard

When Low Spatial Ability Does not get you “there” in 3D Environments,
Agent Jump out “Here” to Change Attitudes

Frank Biocca, Linda A. Jackson, Lynette Lim, Weimin Mou, Gretchen
Barbatsis, Alexander von Eye, Yong Zhao, Hiram Fitzgerald

Effects of Interactivity and Expressiveness on Perceived Social
Memory and Persuasion in Interactive Health Communications

Hsuan-Yuan Huang

Gender Identification with an Anthropomorphic Computer Help Agent: A
Presence Approach

Prabu David, Li Cai, Tingting Lu, Irkwon Jeong

Embodied Conversational Agents in E-Commerce. Do they sell?

Gary Bente, Heike Blens, Nicole C. Krämer

14.30 Break

14.45 Session 9, Communication

Chair: Matthew Lombard

Communication in Virtual Environments: Establishing Common Ground for a
Collaborative Spatial Task

Anne-Sofie Axelsson, Åsa Abelin, Ralph Schroeder

On Transmitting Emotions – Experiments on Multimodal Presence over the

Gábor Tatai, László Laufer, Attila Szaló, Annamária Csordás

Evaluation of the VIRTUE Video-Conference System Using the ITC-Sense of
Presence Inventory

Jonathan Freeman, Jane Lessiter, Oliver Schreer, Peter Kauff

15.45 Coffee Break

16.00 Session 10, Perception & Interaction

Chair: Jonathan Freeman

Circular Vection is Facilitated by a Consistent Photorealistic Scene

Jörg Schulte-Pelkum, Bernard E. Riecke, Markus von der Heyde, Heinrich

Using Eye Tracking and Psychophysiological Methods to Study Spatial

Jari Laarni, Niklas Ravaja, Timo Saari

Cue Integration in the Haptic Perception of Virtual Shapes

Knut Drewing, Marc O. Ernst

“Dual” Embodied Interaction for Creating a Virtual Co-existing Space

Shigeru Wesugi, Yoshiyuki Miwa

19.30 Conference Dinner

Hotel Hvide Hus, Panoramic Restaurant

Wednesday, October 8

9.00 Session 11, OMNIPRES Symposium 1.2

Panel: Presence Foundations

Some are concerned that the concept of presence may become overloaded
different meanings and interpretations and that this may impede
progress. A
major aspect of any mature scientific discipline is a more or less
and unified paradigm within which much of normal science, every day
research and puzzle solving, takes place (Kuhn). This is not the case
presence research which is a new and maturing area. At this stage there
a variety of different approaches both in terms of definition and
methodology. This panel will include speakers presenting different
approaches, and in the discussion following, an attempt will be made to
if there is common unifying ground.

Introductory statements by panelists (20 minutes)

Discussion moderated by a chair

§ Mel Slater, University College London

§ John Waterworth, Umea University

§ Frank Biocca, M.I.N.D. Labs

Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

10.30 Coffee Break11.00 Session 12, BIP & Applications

Chair: Jonathan Freeman

More Breaks Less Presence

Andrea Brogni, Mel Slater, Anthony Steed

Physiological Responses to Breaks in Presence: A Pilot Study

Mel Slater, Andrea Brogni, Anthony Steed

The Sense of Presence in a Sample of Patients with Neuropsychological
Dysfunctions during a VR-enhanced Cognitive Rehabilitation

G. Castelnuovo, C. Lo Priore, Di. Liccione, A Gaggioli, G. Riva, Da.

Presence and High Fidelity Patient Simulators in Anaesthesiology:
Influences Derived From Interviews and Questionnaires

Peter Dieckmann, Tanja Manser, Theo Wehner

Should Product Involvement Facilitate the Experience of Telepresence?
Case of a Quasi 3-D Virtual Store

Anne-Cecile Jeandrain, Frank Biocca

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Session 13, Measurement Methods

Chair: Frank Biocca

Experiences with Repertory Grid Analysis for Investigating Effectiveness
Virtual Environments

Anthony Steed, Janet McDonnell

The Thematic Baseline Technique as a Means of Improving the Sensitivity
Presence Self-report Scales

David Nunez, Edwin H. Blake

Affective Benefits in Communication: The Development and Field-testing
of a
New Questionnaire Measure

J.v. Baren, W. Ijsselsteijn, N. Romero, P. Markopoulos, B. de Ruyter

Connecting the Presence’s Factors for Guiding Measurements

Antonia Lucinelma Pessoa Albuquerque, Rubens Melo, Luiz Velho

14.30 Break

14.45 Session 14, Emotions

Chair: Mel Slater

Investigating the Relationship Between Presence and Emotion using
Mood Induction Procedures

Kristina Chapman, Jonathan Freeman, Edmund Keogh, Cath Dillon, Mercedes
Jorquera, Beatriz Rey, Rosa Banos, Mariano Alcañiz Raya

The Gestalt of Virtual Environments

Jacquelyn Ford Morie, Josh Williams

Emotions and Presence: A dual link

G. Riva, J.A. Waterworth

15.45 Concluding Remarks by Programme Chair W.A. Ijsselsteijn

16.00 Coffee & Farewell

CONF: Presence 2003 (Aalbork, DK, 6.-8.10.03). In:, 03.10.2003. Letzter Zugriff 10.02.2025. <>.
