Dear listmembers,
I am in the preliminaries of researching the role of art criticism in
"popular" venues (magazines, newspapers, etc.) in twentieth century America.
I am currently investigating how art criticism works to shape popular taste.
Generally speaking, I am interested in issues of elite and popular
(high/low-brow) in 20th century American nonfiction; in audience reception,
intersections of art and capital, and the role of academic rhetoric in daily
For my project I have researched the standard bibliographies and on-line
catalogs of central libraries as well as the indexes of several US-American
newspapers since 1970, but I still expect a book/article/dissertation that
deals with criticism in "popular" venues to be out there that I did not
discover yet. If such a specific publication is known to readers of
H-ArtHist, I'd appreciate to receive your message.
Many thanks in advance,
Douglas Dowland
Department of English
The University of Iowa
Q: Art Criticism and Popular Taste. In:, 06.09.2002. Letzter Zugriff 18.02.2025. <>.