CONF 30.05.2002

Space, Psyche and Psychiatry (Oxford, UK, 13-15 Dec 2002)

Leslie Topp

Conference announcement: Space, Psyche and Psychiatry: Mental
Health/Illness and the Construction and Experience of Space, ca. 1600-

Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK, 13-15 December 2002

An international programme of 17 speakers from the disciplines of art
and architectural history, history of medicine, geography, sociology,
and psychology has been assembled to explore this growing subject.
Themes will include the architecture, siting, landscaping and
sculptural ornamentation of asylums and other psychiatric
institutions; how space is used, experienced and appropriated by
patients/users and psychiatric professionals; the influence of
psychiatric thought on domestic architecture and other non-
institutional architecture; and the representation of psychiatric
institutions in the wider culture, including film.

For further information about the conference, see

or contact the organisers Dr. Jonathan Andrews
(; ++44 (0)1865 484702) or Dr. Leslie Topp
(; ++44 (0)1865 483573).

Dr. Leslie Topp
Lecturer in History of Art
School of Arts and Humanities
Oxford Brookes University

CONF: Space, Psyche and Psychiatry (Oxford, UK, 13-15 Dec 2002). In:, 30.05.2002. Letzter Zugriff 09.09.2024. <>.
