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Philanthropy, Patronage, & Urban Politics: Transatlantic Transfers between
Europe and North America in the 19th and 20th Century An International
Symposium of the University of Toronto in collaboration with the German
Historical Institute, Washington, D.C.
The Munk Centre for International Studies
1 Devonshire Place, North House, University of Toronto, May 3-5, 2001
Thursday May 3rd
7 p.m. Reception, Location T.B.A.
Keynote Speaker: Jon Dellandrea, Vice-President and Chief
Development Officer, University of Toronto
"Philanthropy, the Private Sector, and Higher Education"
Friday May 4th
I Cultural Philanthropy and the Upper Classes
9:00 - 10:45 a.m., Munk Centre Rm. 208N
Commentator: John Ingham, University of Toronto
Social Patriotism, Philanthropy, and Left Liberalisms: the Hamburg
Volksheim, 1901-1914
Jennifer Jenkins, Washington University, St. Louis
Cultural Philanthropy in Nineteenth-Century Leipzig
Margaret Menninger, Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos
For the Love of Science
Ethnographic Museums and their Patrons in Imperial
Glenn Penny, University of Missouri at Kansas City
II Transatlantic Philanthropy in Comparative Perspective
11:00 a.m. - 12:45 p.m., Munk Centre Rm. 208N
Commentator: Christoph Mauch, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C..
Charity, Philanthropy, Voluntarism and the Atlantic Culture
Peter Dobkin Hall, Harvard University
"Civil Society" - "Civil Societies
" A Comparative Approach to Art Museum
Philanthropy at the Turn of the Century
Karsten Borgmann, Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin
Philanthropic Behavior and the Shaping of Social Distinction in Canadian,
American, and German Cities
Thomas Adam, University of Toronto
III Jewish Philanthropy and Embourgeoisement
2:45 - 4:30 p.m., Munk Centre Rm. 208N
Commentator: Derek Penslar, University of Toronto
Jewish Philanthropists and Political Buergerlichkeit before 1914
Simone Laessig, Technische Universitaet Dresden
From Rabbinical Study to Civic Responsibility: Gender and Jewish
Associations in Germany, 1750-1870
Maria Baader, University of Toronto
Between Integration and Separation: Jewish Philanthropy in
Nineteenth-Century Cities - a German-American Comparison
Tobias Brinkmann, Leipzig
IV Philanthropy and the Scientific Enterprise
5:00 - 6:45 p.m., Munk Centre Rm. 208N
Commentator: Gabriele Lingelbach, Universitaet Trier
Science and Philanthropy in Wilhelmine Germany
Eckhardt Fuchs / Dieter Hoffmann, Max-Planck-Institut fuer
Bildungsgeschichte, Berlin
The Disease of War. The Rockefeller Foundation and Social Sciences in
Germany during the Inter-War Period (1919-1939)
Daniel Porsch, Universitaet Tuebingen
Small Atlantic World: U.S. Philanthropy and the Expanding International
Exchange of Scholars after 1945
Oliver Schmidt, Bertelsmann Stiftung
Saturday May 5th
V Art, Culture, Politics: Practices of Inclusion & Exclusion
10:00 - 11:45 a.m., Munk Centre Rm. 208N
Commentator: Jean Quataert, SUNY Binghamton
Celebrating the Ordinary
Patronage in Modern German and American Popular
Marline Otte, Tulane University
Aby Warburg and Art in Hamburg's Public Realm
Mark A. Russell, Toronto
Patronage, Privilege, and Political Elites in German Cities:
Who Could Vote for Whom
James Retallack, University of Toronto
VI From the Nineteenth to the Twentieth Century: Philanthropy and the
Third Sector
1:30 -3:30 p.m., Munk Centre Rm. 208N
Commentator: Roger Keil, The Canadian Centre for German and European
Studies, York University / Université de Montréal
Self-Help, Philanthropy, and State Aid: Ideological Poles in the Emergence
of Co-operatives in Germany, 1848-1862
Brett Fairbairn, Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, University of
Social Housing between Philanthropy and Social Welfare State
Susannah Morris, London School of Economics
Voluntary Worlds: Nonprofit Organizations, "The Establishment," and
Diversity in the Great Cities of the United States, 1800-2000
David C. Hammack, Case Western Reserve University
From Private Charity to Public Programs: A Study of the Toronto Social
Planning Council, 1957-1988
Susan McGrath, School of Social Work, York University
CONF: Philantropy, Patronage and Urban Politics (Toronto, KONF: Philantropy, Patronage and Urban Politics (Toronto,. In: ArtHist.net, 11.03.2001. Letzter Zugriff 10.09.2024. <https://arthist.net/archive/24369>.