CFP Feb 21, 2001

Writers for "Contemporary Artists"

Sara Pendergast and Tom

"Full Circle Editorial" <fullcGTE.NET>
Subject: Request to Post a Call for Writers
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 15:17:39 -0800

“Contemporary Artists”

Editorial work has begun on the fifth edition of Contemporary
Artists, a leading reference publication published by the St.
James Press. We are currently seeking writers to contribute
signed essays on the work of artists selected for inclusion in
the book by our international advisory board. These essays are
intended to offer a broad overview of the work of the artist. The
essays are 500-1000 words in length and contributors receive a
$70 (U.S.) honorarium for their contribution. We are also seeking
writers to update entries on artists who appeared in earlier
editions of the book. Updated essays run between 150-250 words
and receive an honorarium of $25 (U.S.).

Contemporary Artists is the cornerstone publication of the St.
James Press and is part of the press' series of books on
Contemporary Arts, including Contemporary Architects,
Contemporary Designers, Contemporary Fashion, and Contemporary
Photographers, etc. Contemporary Artists won the Reference and
User Services Association (RUSA) Outstanding Reference Source
Award and was hailed as an "essential acquisition for all art
libraries" by the 1997 American Reference Books Annual. Entrants
to the fifth edition of Contemporary Artists were selected by an
advisory board which includes Jean-Christophe Ammann, Robert
Atkins, Jorge Glusberg, Carin Kuoni, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Frank
Popper, Robert Rindler, José Lebrero Stals, and Atsuo Yasuda.

To inquire about writing for the fifth edition of Contemporary
Artists, please send a C.V. and writing sample to Sara Pendergast
and Tom Pendergast at Full Circle Editorial, Inc. Full Circle
will provide a list of potential entrants in the fifth edition to
qualified applicants. Assignments will begin March 9, 2001. Email
inquiries are preferred.

Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast
Full Circle Editorial, Inc.
428 Avenue J.
Snohomish, WA 98290-2644
Phone: (360) 568-2049
Fax: (815) 371-2934

CFP: Writers for "Contemporary Artists". In:, Feb 21, 2001 (accessed Feb 1, 2025), <>.
