CONF 19.02.2020

Art Readings: Journeys (Sofia, 3-5 Apr 20)

Institute of Art Studies, Sofia, 21 Krakra Str., 03.–05.04.2020

Galina Dekova


Art Readings are a specialised conference held on a yearly basis by the Institute of Art Studies, BAS. It has been held in Sofia ever since 2002. The initial idea was a platform to be provided for researchers of all forms and periods of arts to share their latest achievements, thus fostering the shaping of an interdisciplinary view of the processes ongoing in culture and as such, was attractive mostly to the researchers at the Institute of Art Studies as well as to doctoral students from various universities and institutes, while the collections of the conference proceedings proved almost unsaleable due to the multidirectional subjects of the published papers. Steps the event to evolve into an international one, have been taken since 2009.

This edition of the traditional annual conference Art Readings, Old
Art module, deals with journeys as a phenomenon and their renditions
in art. The main focus is on the journey as related to art from Antiquity to the late nineteenth century.


April 3rd, Friday
9:00-9:15 Registration of the participants

Iconography of the Journeys – Journeys and Iconography

9:15-9:30 Emmanuel Moutafov, Tereza Bacheva, A Journey from the Altar to the Narthex: Metropolitan Bishop Christopher and the Monastery of Bachkovo

Thematic Session: Journeys in Their Architectural Context
Moderator Emmanuel Moutafov

9:30-9:45 Dimitrina Popova, Дистанции между Сердика и вилите в околността ѝ през римската античност (Distances Between Serdica and the Vilas in the City’s Vicinity During the Roman Period)

9:45-10:00 Marina Koleva, Marine Scenes in Roman Sculpture from Bulgaria

10:00-10:15 Sotiris Voyadjis, The Travelling Monk Barskij. New Assessment of His Drawings in Comparison with Present Day State of the Depicted Monuments

10:15-10:30 Constantin I. Ciobanu, A Graffiti Scratched by an Unknown Traveler in the Surface of the Fresco „The Siege of Constantinople” of the Monastery of Moldoviţa (1537)

10:30-10:45 Discussion

10:45-11:00 Coffee/tea break

Thematic Session: Pilgrims and Pilgrimages in Art
Moderator Konstantinos Giakoumis

11:00-11:15 Dragoş Gh. Năstăsoiu, Circulation of Holy Objects, Transfer of Sacred Places, and Pious Journeys in the Life of St Euphrosyne of Polotsk

11:15-11:30 Anna Adashinskaya, Sweat, Fear, Joy, and Amazement: Personal Experience and Mental Journeys of the Orthodox Pilgrims to the Holy Land (the 12th to 15th Centuries)

11:30-11:45 Pierre Moukarzel, The Lily Flower Sculptured on the Walls of Damascus in the Pilgrim’s Accounts of the Fifteenth Century

11:45-12:00 Ivanka Gergova, До Йерусалим и обратно: топография и иконография на поклонничеството в Източното Средиземноморие (XVIII-XIX в.) To Jerusalem and back: Topography and Iconography of the Pilgrimage in the Eastern Mediterranean (XVIII-XIX c.)

12:00-12:15 Marko Katić, Representations of the Holy Sepulchre Church on Painted Proskynetaria of Jerusalem

12:15-12:30 Discussion

12:30-13:30 Break for lunch

Thematic Session: Travel Notes and Art
Moderator Marina Koleva

13:30-13:45 Dimitrios Liakos, Christos Stavrakos Monks, Journeys and Foundations/ Renovations of Monasteries in the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Period in Greece; Some Key-Studies.

13:45-14:00 Ioannis Vitaliotis, In fernem Land, unnachbar euren Schritten... Theodor Anton Ippen’s Reports on the Medieval Churches of the Albanian North. A Critical Approach

14:00-14:15 Maya Zaharieva, Една фотография от първата половина на XX в. и църквата в село Яна (A Photography from the First Half of the 20th Century and the Church in the Yana Village)

14:15-14:30 Discussion

Thematic Session: Travelling Artists and Ideas (Part 1)
Moderator Christos Stavrakos

14:30-14:45 Ciprian Firea, From Vienna and Nuremberg to Transylvania and (sometimes) Back: Artistic Exchanges Between Centre and Periphery in Late 15th and Early 16th Centuries Central and Eastern Europe

14:45-15:00 Oana Iacubovsci, The selection of saints in the narthex of Saint George's church at Voroneț monastery. A case study on the transmission of religious patterns in the Balkans at the end of the 15th century

15:00-15:15 Konstantinos Giakoumis, Traveller Artists and the Pragmatics of Artistic Identity Adaptations (16th-19th Centuries)

15:15-15:30 Nenad Makuljević, In the Search of Lost Heritage: Dimitrije Avramović on Mount Athos

15:30-15:45 Discussion

15:45-16:00 Coffee/tea break

Thematic Session: Travelling Artists and Ideas (Part 2)
Moderator Elissaveta Moussakova

16:00-16:15 Maria Kolusheva, Едно изгубено изображение на тропара „Горе на трона и долу в гроба” от църквата „Св. Георги” в Арбанаси (A Lost Image of the Troparion “Up on the Throne and Down in the Tomb” from the St. George Church in Arbanasi)

16:15-16:30 Theocharis Tsampouras, Post-Byzantine Artists of the Seventeenth Century and Their Travels: A Strive Towards Eclecticism or Homogeneity?

16:30-16:45 Margarita Kuyumdzhieva, За майсторите на стенописите в старата църква на Струпецкия манастир (About the Masters of the Murals at the Old Church of Strupetz Monastery)

16:45-17:00 Alexander Kuyumdzhiev, Икони от светогорския монах Доситей от Печ в Самоков (Icons of the Athonite Monk Dositheos from Peć in Samokov)

17:00-17:15 Discussion

17:30-19:30 Reception for the participants

April 4th, Saturday
Thematic Session: Travelling Icons and Relics (Part 1)
Moderator Theocharis Tsampouras

10:00-10:15 Elena Firea, Ivan Biliarsky, The Journeys of a Travelling Saint. On the Subsequent Transfers of St. Paraskeva’s Relics and their Significant Layover in the Ottoman Capital

10:15-10:30 Ovidiu Cristea, Ovidiu Olar Two Princes, a Former Patriarch and His Relics: Legitimacy and Struggle for Power in Wallachia

10:30-10:45 Angeliki Katsioti, The Arm of St John the Baptist in Rhodes and the Diplomacy of Relics among the Knights of St John

10:45-11:00 Melina Paisidou, An icon in Mount Athos of Sinaitic Subject

11:00-11:15 Discussion

11:15-11:30 Coffee/tea break

Thematic Session: Travelling Icons and Relics (Part 2)
Moderator Ciprian Firea

11:30-11:45 Miguel Gallés, Magri Three Travel Voucher: An Unpublished Corfiot Icon of the 18th Century Turns Out to be an Authentic Travel Catalogue

11:45-12:00 Darina Boykina, Пътуващите монаси и техните кутии за мощи (Travelling Monks and Their Reliquaries)

12:00-12:15 Ivana Ženarju, Pilgrimage and Visual Culture in the 19th Century Kosovo and Metohija

12:15-12:30 Vesselina Yontcheva, Иконописецът Господин Желязков и работата му в софийските храмове (Gospodin Jeliazkov and his Paintings in Sofia’s Churches)

12:30-12:45 Discussion

12:45-14:00 Break for lunch

Thematic Session: Music, Books, Ornament and Imagination: Meeting Point for Different Cultures and Religious Traditions
Moderator Ivana Ženarju

14:00-14:15 Ilias Karalis, Processions in Euchological Manuscripts of Thessaloniki

14:15-14:30 Claire Brisby, Journeys of the Samokov Painters, Christo and Zahari, c. 1760-1852: Mapping European Cultural Awareness in the Balkans

14:30-14:45 Yavor Genov, One Chanson – Three Intabulations. The Journey of Orlando di Laso’s Bon jour mon coeur to the Wurstisen Lute Book in Basel

14:45-15:00 Kristina Yapova, Пътят на литургичния смисъл в неговата музикална иманентност (The Route of the Liturgical Meaning in Its Musical Immanence)

15:00-15:15 Elissaveta Moussakova, Nikolay Raynov's "Ornament and Letter": A Travel Back to Beginning

15:15-15:30 Discussion

15:30-16:00 Closing remarks by moderators and organizers of the Old Art Module

April 5th, Sunday
8:00-14:00 Optional guided tour to the churches and the museum of Samokov

CONF: Art Readings: Journeys (Sofia, 3-5 Apr 20). In:, 19.02.2020. Letzter Zugriff 31.01.2025. <>.
