CFP 05.02.2019

Make No Mistake, Journal of the Faculty of Art, Pedagogical University of Krakow

Eingabeschluss : 01.04.2019

Karolina Kolenda, Faculty of Art, Pedagogical University of Krakow

Annales Universitatis Peadagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Arte et Educatione /
Journal of the Faculty of Art, Pedagogical University of Krakow

no. 14: "Make No Mistake"
Issue editors: Dr. Karolina Kolenda, Dr. Krzysztof Siatka

Technical errors that occur when a medium is used, as well as logical or cognitive errors, are commonly seen as challenges and obstacles in a creative process. However, errors can also offer a source of inspiration and an insight into otherwise unknown reality. The artist’s certainty about his or her intentions, and the viewer’s openness, seem necessary for their communication to succeed. But the way art is experienced often runs against the author’s concept and contrary to the viewer’s expectations. Numerous achievements are made incidentally, that is, by accident, on the margin of conducted research and investigations, along the route taken to reach a different goal. Very often, they are made outside the author’s awareness, yet with the support of the viewer, who shows the courage to act against traditions or established rules. We are interested in the discrepancies that occur between the intention and effect of actions undertaken by artists and researchers. Thus described approach determines the illusion and uncertainty that reveal themselves en route to experience and intellectual cognition. We would also like to examine the anxiety or even true fear of making a mistake, which makes an impact on immediate and distant future.

We would like to interpret the notion of error and its economy in a broad theoretical context (historical, cultural, philosophical, sociological, and political), as something as yet unrecognised – potential obstacle or side effect that will bring unexpected results.

Possible topics may include:
- error as a source / condition of creativity;
- anxiety of error; the role of failure in contemporary art;
- creative misunderstanding in art, critical and curatorial practice,
- errors in the history of art, untrue stories,
- artistic attempts to confuse the viewer,
- mistakes in translations,
- art theory and artistic practice that undermines it,
- deliberate mistake in artistic practice, creation of dysfunctional objects,
- ageing ideas, projects that did not live up to expectations,
- system error as a potential for artistic actions.

Abstracts of up to 500 words, together with the author’s short biographical note (up to 100 words) and information about your affiliation, should be submitted by 1 March 2019. Deadline for final papers is 1 April 2019.

Articles should be 25 000 – 35 000 characters in length.
Text format: Times New Roman, 12 pts., double-spaced, footnotes 10pts. single-spaced.
Please, save your paper in .doc format.

All submitted papers will be subject to a double blind peer review process.

Abstracts and final papers should be sent to issue editors, Dr. Karolina Kolenda at and Dr. Krzysztof Siatka, at: Please contact the editors in case of any queries.

CFP: Make No Mistake, Journal of the Faculty of Art, Pedagogical University of Krakow. In:, 05.02.2019. Letzter Zugriff 06.05.2024. <>.
