CONF 14.10.2018

Babel / Global (Barcelona, 25-26 Oct 18)

Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Aula Magna / Sala Gran, 25.–26.10.2018

María Bendito

Babel / Global - The vertigo of infinity

Babel and its tower, in its frustrated ascent without limits, took on the vertigo of imposed linguistic identities, difficult to assume and translate – the vertigo of the impossible rebellion of the rigid against the absolute or of the finite against the infinite.
Thinking and expression were trapped among the ruins of the thick walls raised by the subordinate in its yearning to reach the plenitude of the all, which was nothing less than the omnipotent other. Since then, the emulation, conquest, and flooding of power by power, the domination of the possible or thinkable by the existing reality, have accompanied the slow and complex wandering – both individual and collective – of the human being. With their physical or symbolic verticality, Babelian ambitions and revolutions constantly and fruitlessly challenge history.

Global technology, the World Wide Web, and hyper-connectivity have concealed the last gasps of the spectacular demolition of Babel, homology has critically eroded identity, and flatness has done the same with the ascensional.


25 October / octubre 2018

Welcome and Introduction / Bienvenida y apertura
Director / Directora: Anna Maria Guasch

Introduction Panel 1. The Tower of Babel. Myth and Knowledge /
Presentación Mesa 1. La Torre de Babel. Mito y conocimiento
Convenor / Moderadora: María Bendito

Keynote / Ponencia marco
Joan Sureda
La conquista del cielo

Break / Pausa

Pannellists / Ponentes

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Elisava) - Ramón Faura Coll
Laberinto eléctrico

Princeton University - Paula Pérez-Rodríguez
Reparto de armas espirituales: alfabetización, socialismo y utopía letrada en la Guerra Civil Española

Artista visual - Pilar Millán
La huella circular

Universitat de Barcelona - Laia Manonelles
As a Guest of a German Family: La construcción de la identidad en el marco global

Discussion / Debate
Convenor / Moderadora: María Bendito

Introduction Panel 2. Babel, old and new. Global art and unfinished projects /
Presentación Mesa 2. Babel, antigua y contemporánea. El arte global y los proyectos inacabados
Convenor / Moderadora: Julia Ramírez Blanco

Keynote / Ponencia marco
Victor Stoichita
El Templo y la Torre. La búsqueda de la lengua perfecta en la teoría del arte del último Renacimiento

Break / Pausa

Pannellists / Ponentes

Todd Burke Porterfield - NYU
Against Babel

Marta Piñol - Universitat de Barcelona
Film as an ideal language and cinema as a visual Esperanto: film theories from Bela Balázs to Christian Metz

Inés Molina - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Plug-in Babel: megaestructuras radicales en las ciberutopías sesenteras.

Discussion / Debate
Convenor / Moderadora: Julia Ramírez Blanco

26 October / octubre 2018

Introduction Panel 3. Visual translation in global contexts /
Presentación Mesa 3. La traducción visual en contextos globales
Convenor / Moderadora: Modesta di Paola

Keynote / Ponencia marco
Birgit Mersmann
"In the open see don't have border." Visual Translation of Migration in Contemporary Photodocumentaries

Break / Pausa

Pannellists / Ponentes

Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis - Fabienne Brugère
Visual Translation in the Era of the Global. An Ethics of the Eye

Università della Svizzera italiana - Virgilio Berardocco
On Babel's Ruins: The ahistorical soundings of Harald Szeemann's unfinished Project

Universitat de Girona - David Aguilera
Les Unwanted de Europa y Walter Benjamin: voces sin cuerpo, traducciones sin original e imágenes sin texto

Università della Svizzera italiana - Vega Tescari
Translating the visual: Chen Chieh-jen's work

Discussion / Debate
Convenor / Moderadora: Modesta di Paola

Confvsio rervm thvrris Babilonia

Introduction / Presentación
Anna Maria Guasch

Keynote / Ponencia marco
Antoni Muntadas
Interpretaciones y traducciones

Keynote / Ponencia marco
Francisco Jarauta
Babel, mito moderno

Break / Pausa

Discussion / Debate
Antoni Muntadas, Francisco Jarauta, María Bendito, Julia Ramírez Blanco, Modesta di Paola

Simultaneous translation for keynotes / Traducción simultánea de keynotes
Mandatory registration / Inscripción obligatoria:

Fee / matrícula:
general / general: 20€ (two days / dos días), 10€ (one day / un día)
students / estudiantes: free / gratuita

Payment method bank transfer to / Pago mediante transferencia bancaria a:
IBAN ES23 2100 3642 11 2200093938.
Reference / referencia: Babel Global - name, surname, ID / Babel Global - nombre, apellidos, DNI. Certificate of the transfer with additional details of the registrant (name, surname, ID, affiliation, fee) must be sent to / Enviar certificado de la transferencia con detalles del matriculado (nombre, apellidos, DNI, afiliación, matrícula) a María Bendito,
Certificate of assistance on request / Certificado de asistencia previa solicitud.

Director / Dirección
Anna Maria Guasch
Co-directors / Co-dirección
Modesta Di Paola y Julia Ramírez Blanco

Scientific committee / Comité científico
Anna Maria Guasch, Universitat de Barcelona
Modesta Di Paola, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Francisco Jarauta, Universidad de Murcia
Birgit Mersmann, University of Duisburg-Essen
Antoni Muntadas, artista visual
Julia Ramírez Blanco, Universitat de Barcelona
Victor Stoichita, Université de Fribourg
Joan Sureda, Universitat de Barcelona
Coordination / Coordinación
María Bendito, Universitat de Barcelona
Technical assistance / Asistencia técnica
Joaquim Espuny, Universitat de Barcelona
Information / Información
Simultaneous translation for keynotes / Traducción simultánea de keynotes
Mandatory registration / Inscripción obligatoria:

CONF: Babel / Global (Barcelona, 25-26 Oct 18). In:, 14.10.2018. Letzter Zugriff 27.09.2024. <>.
