Structuring Fashion: Foundation Garments through History
An International Conference organised by Johannes Pietsch (Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich) and Jenny Tiramani (The School of Historical Dress, London).
This conference will focus on undergarments that have shaped fashionable silhouettes. It will cover a broad timespan from the Middle Ages up to the 21st century. Conducted in English, the event will be held in Munich to celebrate a very special exhibition and the launch of an exciting new book.
The Bayerisches Nationalmuseum preserves the world-famous pair of silk bodies worn by Countess Palatine Dorothea Sabina around 1598. This extremely rare garment will now be presented to the public exclusively from September to December 2018, which coincides perfectly with the publication of this pair of bodies in the new volume of the Janet Arnold series Patterns of Fashion 5: The cut and construction of bodies, stays, hoops and rumps c.1595-1795, presenting over 40 garments in great detail.
Internationally renowned experts like Valerie Steele (FIT New York), Alexandra Palmer (ROM Toronto), Peter McNeil (UTS Sydney), Amalia Descalzo (ISEM Madrid) and Denis Bruna (MAD Paris) will be among the speakers of the conference.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Jenny Tiramani:
Patterns of Fashion and Un-Fashion
Beatrix Nutz:
'Petites mameletes, … Dures comme pumete' – Shaping the Medieval Ideal of Beauty
Amalia Descalzo Lorenzo:
Spanish Artificial Undergarments in the Habsburg Period
Johannes Pietsch:
Establishing Identity: stays and bodices in Germany 1600-1800
Lunch Break
Denis Bruna:
Early 18th-Century Panniers in Contemporary Sources
Sébastien Passot:
From Garsault to the Encyclopedia: the mechanical construction of hoops and stays in 18th-century French literature
Peter McNeil:
'Conspicuous Waist': from Macaroni Men to the 'Despots of Fashion', 1760-1830
Thessy Schoenholzer Nichols:
Bodice for an Active Life: it does not have to be 'hard to hold'. Case histories of female upper dresses, from late middle ages to the 18th century, in Italy
Guided Tours
Evening Event
Friday, 14 September 2018
Adelheid Rasche:
Crinolonomania and More: caricatures on hoop petticoats
Pernilla Rasmussen:
Robe the Cour at the Swedish Court
Luca Costigliolo:
The Evolution of the Drafting Method of Patterns for Bodies, Stays and Corsets
Guided Tours
Lunch Break
Guided Tours
Kerstin Hopfensitz:
From Heubach to the World – a centre of German corset production
Alexandra Palmer:
The Origin of the Species: Christian Dior's New Look Woman
Valerie Steele:
The Corset in Modern Fashion
CONF: Structuring Fashion (Munich, 13-14 Sep 18). In:, 19.04.2018. Letzter Zugriff 09.09.2024. <>.