CONF 18.04.2018

Roads, Routes and Networks (Cambridge, 30 Apr 18)

Cambridge (MA), Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University, RCC Conference Room, 26 Trowbridge St., 30.04.2018

Jorge Sebastian Lozano

Roads, Routes and Networks: Visualizing Art Historical Information
Digital Humanities Colloquium

Space and movement have always been fundamental for art history, through concepts such as center and periphery, roads for global exchange, or the experience of travel, among others. Geographical Information Systems are transforming the traditional ways to visualize these disciplinary discourses about dissemination, innovation and evolution. Network analysis is bringing to light people and places that had been very relevant in their own time as nodes for exchange or partnership, but have been usually overlooked by the focus on a few big names. Vast and quickly increasing amounts of digital data invite experimentation about their uses for teaching and research in the humanities. New challenges are appearing, such as ensuring the sustainability of digital resources and their interoperability, while guaranteeing open access to cultural information. The three case studies represented in the colloquium will provide an update on new and ongoing projects in this area, and introduce a shared reflection about the possibilities of digital information within art history.


Welcome, opening remarks and panel

Mapping Paintings: Tracking the Lives of Artworks
Jodi Cranston, Professor of Renaissance Art, Boston University

SILKNOW: Improving the Access to Digitized Silk Heritage
Jorge Sebastián Lozano, Assistant Professor of Art History, University of Valencia; Research Fellow, Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University

Capturing the Past: Collaborative Projects and the Aga Khan Documentation Center at MIT
Sharon C. Smith, Program Head, Aga Khan Documentation Center at MIT

Q & A

Free registration and more information at

CONF: Roads, Routes and Networks (Cambridge, 30 Apr 18). In:, 18.04.2018. Letzter Zugriff 14.01.2025. <>.
