CONF 17.02.2018

Making a Spectacle (New Brunswick, 20 Apr 18)

New Brunswick (NJ), Alexander Library, Pane Room, 169 College Ave, 20.04.2018

Franchesca Fee

Making a Spectacle: Audience and the Art of Engagement
8th Annual Rutgers Art History Graduate Student Symposium

The Rutgers Art History Graduate Student Organization has convened this conference to address questions of spectacle and its visual representation. By investigating how spectacle functions in different spaces and eras, this symposium will explore the role of spectacle within society. In a world saturated with images and divertissements that clamor for our attention and influence the ways we interact with each other, we aim to better understand the ways in which spectacle mediates between viewer and image.


8:30-9:00 Registration and Breakfast

Session One: Spectacular Processions

Britt Boler, Florida State University
"Performing Pilgrimage and Processing through the Bamberg Heiltumbuch"

Joana Konova, University of Chicago
"Politics and Spectacle in the 1571 Triumph for Marcantonio Colonna"

Suheyla Takesh, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Funerary Processions and Passion Plays in Mahmoud Sabri's Work"

10:20-10:40 Coffee Break

Session Two: Spectacle and Memory

Isabelle Gillet, University of Michigan
"The Display of Monarchy as Spectacle in Eugène Lami's Quadrille de Marie Stuart"

Josie Johnson, Brown University
"Soviet Spectacular: The Red Square Parade in Photographs, ca. 1930"

11:40-1:00 Lunch

Session Three: Spectacularizing the East

Dina Murokh, University of Southern California
"Facing the Subject: The Chinese Museum in the Antebellum United States"

Y. L. Lucy Wang, Columbia University
"‘À Côté de Celles de l'Égypte et de l'Assyrie': Exhibiting a Global Architectural Taxonomy at Louis Delaporte's Musée Indo-Chinois"

2:00-2:10 Coffee Break

Session Four: Performing Spectacle

Matthew Teti, Columbia University
"Shout: Chris Burden's Parody of Countercultural Protest"

Lyndsey Vader, Ohio State University
"Contemporary Acts of Spectacle and Sensorial Counterpublics in Yanira Castro's Court/Garden (2014)"

3:10-3:20 Coffee Break

Keynote Address

Dr. Bridget Alsdorf, Princeton University
"GAWKERS: Flânerie for the Masses in Fin-de-siècle France"

CONF: Making a Spectacle (New Brunswick, 20 Apr 18). In:, 17.02.2018. Letzter Zugriff 19.05.2024. <>.
