Reassessing Nineteenth-Century Art in Islamic Countries
13th Colloquium of the Ernst Herzfeld Society
Thursday | July 6, 2017
12.00 Graduate students’ meeting (separate programme)
Universitätscampus, Hof 9, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Seminarraum 1
18.30 Evening Lecture at the Zacherlfabrik, Nusswaldgasse 14, 1190 Wien
Ahmet Ersoy (Istanbul) Theater of cultural difference: Austro-Ottoman encounters at the 1873 Vienna World Exposition
Friday | July 7, 2017
Universitätscampus, Hof 9, Institut für Musikwissenschaften, Hörsaal 1
9.30 Registration
10.00 Welcome (Claudia Theune-Vogt, Dean, Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies, University of Vienna) | Opening (Martina Müller-Wiener, President, Ernst Herzfeld Society | Markus Ritter, Organizer of colloquium)
10.30 Nineteenth-century Islamic art transcultural
Chair: Martina Müller-Wiener
Stefan Weber (Berlin) Entangled modernity - multiple expressions of global phenomena: the late Ottoman example
Sara Mondini (Venice) If Nawabs looked West: 19thcentury suggestions from the ‘western Islamic world’ in India
Vahid Vahdat (Houston) How 19th-century Persian travelers to Europe rebranded Islamic art and architecture
12.00 Lunch break
13.30 Concepts of style and type in architecture
Chair: Markus Ritter
Ralph Bodenstein (Berlin) The old and the new: industrial buildings in Egypt during the rule of Muhammad Ali Pasha (1805-1848)
Turgut Saner (Istanbul) Aufstieg und Untergang neuklassischer Stile in der osmanischen Architektur des 19. Jahrhunderts
Maximilian Hartmuth (Vienna) Islamic architecture and Orientalizing style in Habsburg Bosnia: A case study of the School of Islamic Law in Sarajevo
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Architecture and urban transformation
Chair: Stefan Weber
Lorenz Korn (Bamberg) „Mit Rücksicht auf die Umgebung“: Über den Standort des „Deutschen Brunnens“ in Istanbul
Mehrdad Qayyoomi Bidhendi (Teheran) The origins of modern directions of governmental architecture in the early Qajar period
Zahra Ahari (Teheran) Negarestan square: formation of an urban space for an invented tradition
17.00 Coffee break
17.30 EHG Members’ Assembly | Mitgliederversammlung
Saturday | July 8, 2017
Universitätscampus, Hof 9, Institut für Musikwissenschaften, Hörsaal 1
9.00 Images and new media
Chair: Maximilian Hartmuth
Erin Hyde Nolan (Florence) Ottoman sultanic portraits and their albums: picturing nineteenth-century social networks
Ahmet Ersoy (Istanbul) Late Ottoman new media: reading, visuality and historical experience during the Hamidian Era (1876-1909)
Paul Luft (Durham) Rock reliefs in 19th-century Persia
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Media and sources
Chair: Maryam Ekhtiar
Roxana Zenhari Göttingen) Reconstruction of Shi'i Islam among the folks: a survey of illustrated lithographed books of Qajar period
Elika Palenzona-Djalili (Zürich) Sufis on mirror cases: representing the sacred in Qajar art objects
Nazanin Shahidi Marnani (Teheran) Graffiti as a historical source for architectural history: the 19th century graffiti of the Chahar-Bagh Madrasa of Isfahan
12.30 Lunch break
14.00 Inventions in calligraphy
Chair: Ebba Koch
Maryam Ekhtiar (New York) In detail: the calligraphic compositions of Isma’il Jalayir
Khatereh Fahimi (Teheran) Women calligraphers in the Qajar period
Diverse themes of on-going research
Yu Yusen (Heidelberg) Paper and silk as painting and writing grounds in the Timurid-Turkmen periods
15.30 Coffee break
16.00 Chair: Mattia Guidetti
Maryam Kolbadinejad (Paris) The Ilkhanid luster tiles from the Imamzadeh Habib Ibn Musa
Agnes Rameder (Vienna) Staged photography in Tehran/Iran: historical overview, visual strategies and popular themes
Suzanne Compagnon (Vienna) Persian eroticism by an Ottoman artist? The reclining figures in the album H.2164.
17.30 Closing remarks & discussion
Evening lecture, colloquium and graduate meeting are open to the public and free of charge.
Organisation: Markus Ritter, Professor History of Islamic Art
Mattia Guidetti, Maximilan Hartmuth, Safa Mahmoudian, University assistants
Contact: Andrea Ennagi, administrative assistant,
Ernst Herzfeld-Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie |
Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Universität Wien |
CONF: Nineteenth-Century Art in Islamic Countries (Vienna, 6-9 Jul 17). In:, Jun 29, 2017 (accessed Mar 9, 2025), <>.