Collecting & Display Seminar Group, Institute of Historical Research London
10.00 Registration
10.15 Introduction
10.30 Annemarie Jordan Gschwend: Statesman, Art Agent and Connoisseur: Hans Kevenhüller, Imperial Ambassador at the Court of Philip II of Spain
11.00 Taryn Marie Zarrillo: Marco Boschini and Paolo del Sera: Art Dealers, Advisors and Associates in Seicento Venice
11.30 Michael Wenzel: Sales strategies of Philipp Hainhofer’s art cabinets: the self-marketing of artworks in early seventeenth-century Germany
12.00 Sandra van Ginhoven: The Business Strategies of Guilliam Forchondt’s Art Dealership in Antwerp (1643-1678)
12.30 Ulf R. Hansson: “An Oracle for Collectors”: Philipp von Stosch and the Collecting and Dealing in Antiquities in Early Eighteenth-Century Rome and Florence
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00 Maria Celeste Cola: Scottish agents in Rome in the eighteenth century: the case of Peter Grant
14.30 Christine Godfroy-Gallardo: "Establishing honest trading relationships: the Guillaume Martin case"
15.00 Robert Skwirblies: Edward Solly, Felice Cartoni and their purchases of paintings: a “milord” and his “commissioner” creating a transnational network of dealers c. 1820
15.30 Lukas Fuchsgruber: Otto Mündler, 9 rue Laval, Paris
16.00 Lynn Catterson: The Mysterious Maurice de Bosdari, a would-be agent of Stefano Borden
16.30-17.00 Tea
17.30 Julie Codell: Agent-Scholar Martin Birnbaum (1878-1970): Modernizing the Agent
18.00 Nicola Foster: The case of Uli Sigg: Collector, Agent, Advisor and Promoter of Contemporary Chinese Art
18.30 Keynote – Sophie Raux: Mapping the agents of the art market in early modern Europe : an experimental research database
19.15 Reception
For booking please email:
CONF: The Art Market, Collectors and Agents (London, 13 Jul 16). In:, May 16, 2016 (accessed Mar 10, 2025), <>.