ANN 23.03.2011

Economies of Art. Historical and Systematic Perspectives (Zurich, Mar-May11)

University of Zurich, 22.03.–10.05.2011
Deadline/Anmeldeschluss: 22.03.2011

Nicolas Galley

Public Lecture Announcement
University of Zurich
Chair of History of Early Modern Art and Executive Master in Art Market Studies
Lecture course Economies of Art: Historical and Systematic Perspectives

The Chair of History of Early Modern Art and the Executive Master in Art Market Studies are pleased to announce the following public lectures:

22 March 2011, Dr. Dirk Boll, Christie’s
History of Auctioneering

29 March 2011, Prof. Dr. Oskar Bätschmann, SIK-ISEA
Gustave Courbert und die Selbstvermarktung des Künstlers

19 April 2011, Dr. Barbara Furlotti, Queen Mary University of London
Selling and acquiring Art in Rome: people, objects, practices

10 May 2011, Dr. Ilona Genoni, Christie’s
The History of Art Fairs

University of Zurich
Rämistraße 71
8006 Zurich

Tuesdays, 16.15 – 18.00

Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen and Dr. Nicolas Galley

The lectures examine current research concerning art market studies and will complement the lecture course Economies of Art: Historical and Systematic Perspectives organized by the chair of history of early modern art of the university of Zurich in the spring term 2011. This course provides insight into the history of the European art market from the early modern period up to the present referring to iconography and the systematic approach of the globalized art market. All the lectures are public and listeners are welcome.

ANN: Economies of Art. Historical and Systematic Perspectives (Zurich, Mar-May11). In:, 23.03.2011. Letzter Zugriff 19.04.2024. <>.
