CONF Mar 7, 2013

The Production and Reading of Music Sources (London, 6-8 Jun 13)

London, Jun 6–08, 2013

Hanna Vorholt

International Conference hosted by the Warburg Institute and the British
Library, 6-8 June 2013

Organised by Thomas Schmidt (University of Manchester) and Hanna Vorholt
(University of York)

Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council 'Production and
Reading of Music Sources, 1480-1530' project

Speakers include: Jane Alden (Wesleyan), Stanley Boorman (New York),
Vincenzo Borghetti (Verona), Stratton Bull (Leuven), Helen Deeming
(Royal Holloway), Pawel Ganczarczyk (Warsaw), Mara Hofmann (Warburg),
Oliver Huck (Hamburg), Christian Leitmeir (Bangor), Andrea
Lindmayr-Brandl (Salzburg), Emanuele Lugli (York), Grantley McDonald
(Salzburg), Elizabeth Morrison (Getty Museum), Sanna Raninen
(Manchester), Ian Rumbold (Manchester), Martina Šárovková (Prague),
Katelijne Schiltz (Munich), Thomas Schmidt (Manchester), Tim Shephard
(Sheffield), Dagmar Thoss (Vienna), Paul Vetch (King's College London)

The mise-en-page of medieval and early modern music sources has become
an increasing focus of scholarly enquiry in recent years. In their
combination of verbal text, musical notation, images and other graphic
devices, they are amongst the most complex books of their time, and much
about the relationship between their visual appearance, their function
and their use (in performance or otherwise) is still insufficiently
understood. This conference – organised in the context of an AHRC-funded
project in which a team of musicologists, art historians and
codicologists examines the mise-en-page of sources containing polyphonic
music from 1480-1530 ( – brings together a wide
selection of scholars engaged in the analysis of the layout of
manuscripts and printed books, and will explore in an interdisciplinary
perspective overarching questions that are relevant to music sources in
the broadest sense. The spectrum of papers ranges from the thirteenth to
the sixteenth centuries, from simple workaday collections to elaborate
presentation codices, from panel paintings to chantbooks and music
theory prints.

A full schedule of the conference, and information on how to register,
can be found at

Further information on the conference can be obtained by e-mailing


Thursday 6 June: British Library, Centre for Conservation

14:00 Welcome: Thomas Schmidt, Nicolas Bell

Session 1 Chair: Peter Gumbert (Leiden)

14:10 Tim Shephard (Sheffield):
Seeing and Singing: Interpreting Visual Decoration in Music Manuscripts
of ca. 1500

14:45 Thomas Schmidt (Manchester):
The Notation of Polyphonic Music: Visual and Spatial Aspects

15:20 Jane Alden (Wesleyan):
Nested Polyphonies: Stratification and Organicism in 15th-Century

16:00 coffee

Session 2 Chair: Nicolas Bell (British Library)

16:30 Oliver Huck (Hamburg):
The Layout of the Early Motets

17:05 Helen Deeming (Royal Holloway):
Isolated Jottings? The Compilation, Preparation and Use of Song Sources
from Thirteenth-Century Britain

Friday 7 June: Warburg Institute

10:10 Welcome: Hanna Vorholt

Session 3 Chair: Hanna Vorholt (York)

10:20 Emanuele Lugli (York):
Music in the Sky. On the Washington Coronation of the Virgin

10:55 Katelijne Schiltz (Munich):
Subtilitas—brevitas—tentatio: Reading Musical Riddles

11:30 Coffee

Session 4 Chair: Mara Hofmann (Warburg)

11:55 Martina Šárovcová (Prague):
Limbus Patrum. Correlations Between Visual and Textual Elements in
Sources of Rorate Chants in Bohemia

12:30 Christian Leitmeir (Bangor):
Design or Disaster? A Concert of Images, Words and Music in the
Penitential Psalm Codices (Munich Ms. A)

13:05 Lunch

Session 5 Chair: John Lowden (Courtauld)

14:20 Dagmar Thoss (Vienna):
On the Miniatures and Initials of the Vienna Alamire Codices

14:55 Elizabeth Morrison (Getty)
Music Meant to Impress: A Consideration of the Design of Some Late
Flemish Alamire Manuscripts

15:30 Coffee

Session 6 Chair: Charles Burnett (Warburg)

16:00 Mara Hofmann (Warburg):
Nipped Noses and Locked Lips: Grotesque Initials in the Alamire

16:35 Vincenzo Borghetti (Verona):
The Listening Gaze: Alamire's Presentations Manuscripts and the Courtly

17:10 Stratton Bull (Alamire Foundation, Leuven)
The Cappella Pratensis – PRoMS Collaboration

18:00 Wine Reception (Warburg)

Saturday 8 June: Warburg Institute

Session 7 Chair: Christian Leitmeir (Bangor)

10:15 Ian Rumbold (Manchester):
Alternative Mises-en-Page in Informal Sources: The Case of Heinrich
Isaac's Missa Wohlauf gesell

10:50 Pawel Ganczarczyk (Warsaw):
From Manuscript to Print: Transformations of Musical Sources in the
First Half of the Sixteenth Century

11:25 Coffee

Session 8 Chair: Ian Rumbold (Manchester)

11:50 Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl /Grantley McDonald (Salzburg)
The Early Days of Music Printing in German-Speaking Lands: Ode Settings
and Hymn Books

12:25 Sanna Raninen (Manchester):
Xylography in Polyphonic Music Printing

13:00 Lunch

Session 9 Chair: Helen Deeming (Royal Holloway)

14:00 Stanley Boorman (New York)
Interpretations of the Notation in Early Printed Treatises

14:35 Paul Vetch (King's College London):
PRoMS at a Glance: The Visual Representation of Complex Musicological
and Codicological Data (with presentation of the online resource)

15:35 Coffee and close

CONF: The Production and Reading of Music Sources (London, 6-8 Jun 13). In:, Mar 7, 2013 (accessed Oct 19, 2024), <>.
