STIP 10.12.2012

Cultural Fellowships in Russia

St. Petersburg, Russia, 13.–26.05.2013
Bewerbungsschluss: 01.02.2013

Prof. Dr. Isabel Wünsche, Jacobs University Bremen


The Likhachev Foundation (St. Petersburg, Russia) together with Committee on External Relations of Saint Petersburg and B. Yeltsin Presidential Center (Moscow, Russia) announces competition for 2-week cultural fellowships in Russia (St. Petersburg) from May 13 till May 26, 2013 for American and European professionals in the field of arts and culture who work on projects related to Russian culture. Airfare (economy class) and accommodation in St. Petersburg will be covered by the organizers.

By February 1, 2013 the Likhachev Foundation will accept applications from professionals in the field of culture and history or arts from the USA and Europe who are currently working on creative projects related to Russian culture or history. Command of the Russian language is very helpful but not required. Students are not eligible. Working languages of the program are English and Russian.

Creative project could be a museum exhibition project, a theater performance, a film, photo exhibition, preparation of fiction or research books, etc. related to Russian culture or history. Creative project should be conceived in the USA or Europe for a broad American or European audience. Residence in Russia should serve as an important stage in the realization of the applicant’s cultural project.

The Likhachev Foundation will prepare individual programs for the fellows according to their projects’ specifics, to help them achieve maximum results during their fellowships. These programs will include meetings with Russian colleagues, possibilities to work at St. Petersburg museums, libraries, archives and other organizations.

Ten two-week fellowships will be organized from May 13 till May 26, 2013 in St. Petersburg (Russia).

Deadline for submitted applications is February 1, 2013.
Applicants will be notified of the review panel decision by March 1, 2013.

Application should include:

• CV (including information on Russian language skills, previous creative projects related to Russia and previous visits to Russia).
• Description of creative project (up to 3 pages) such as museum or exhibition project, theater performance, film, preparation of fiction or research book and other types of cultural projects related to Russian culture or history. It should contain, in particular, a paragraph on how a residency in St. Petersburg will benefit the applicant’s creative project and which cultural organizations in St. Petersburg the applicant would like to work with.

Please, email your application in Russian or English to the competition coordinator Mrs. Elena Vitenberg at and with subject line «application for the fellowship».

The D. S. Likhachev International Charitable Foundation

The name of the Academician D. S. Likhachev (1906-1999) is symbolic for the 20 century Russian culture. A Russian intellectual, survivor of the Soviet Gulag, a great scientist and thinker, a popular figure, he managed to preserve under the totalitarian regime his integrity, honor and fealty to Russia. In the 90s he has become a moral gold standard for many Russians. During his late years D. S. Likhachev conceived the idea of a humanitarian charitable foundation. The idea has been implemented after his death.

The D. S. Likhachev International Charitable Foundation had been founded in St. Petersburg at the end of 2001. The mission for the Foundation was stated by D. S. Likhachev himself as promotion of the Russian culture, education, humanities as well as affirmation of democratic and humanistic values in the society. The foundation supports both regional and international programs, awards grants, promotes seminars and conferences, publishes books, etc.

B. Yeltsin Presidential Center

The Fund of the First Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin was founded in November 2000, as a charity whose main aim is to give the youth of Russia the opportunity to reach their creative potential. The Fund has also taken it upon itself to analyze the var-ious changes that Russia and the world in general went through during the end of the 20th century: to carry out studies on the historical and political foundations of the re-forms that took place in Russia. The Fund is working to nurture peaceful and friendly relations between the world’s nations, offering help in the battle against social and religious conflict.

Committee on External Relations of Saint Petersburg

The executive authority - The City Administration is the superior executive body of St. Petersburg headed by the Governor of the city and other executive departments - the city committees and the administrative-territorial departments. The St. Petersburg Administration is formed of the Governor, the Government, The Governor's Chancel-lery, the city committees and the administrative-territorial departments of the Admin-istration subordinate to him. The Committee on External Relations is responsible for state policy of Saint Petersburg in external relations.

STIP: Cultural Fellowships in Russia. In:, 10.12.2012. Letzter Zugriff 05.10.2024. <>.
