CFP Sep 12, 2024

4th EAAA conference (Lisbon, 8-13 Sep 25)

University of Lisbon, School of Arts and Humanities, Portugal
Deadline: Oct 15, 2024

Maki Fukuoka

The 4th Conference is jointly organised by the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology (EAAA), the UNIARQ – Centre for Archaeology (School of Arts and Humanities), the CH-ULisboa – Centre for History of the University of Lisbon, ARTIS-Institute of Art History and ACN-Asia Collections Network.

The School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon is the largest scientific school of Arts and Humanities in the country and has the only existing first cycle programme in Portugal dedicated to the study of Asia as a whole.

Main aims of the 4th EAAA Conference:
- To open a dialogue between scholars of Asian art and archaeology and to offer a platform for the presentation and discussion of recent research.
- To highlight the significance of Asian art and archaeology research.
- To focus research on the many collections of Asian art in Europe.
- To revise the historical approach that has been prevalent in the study and research of Asian art and archaeology.
- To critically engage and elaborate on existing art theories and methodology.
- To formulate new research vistas, approaches and methods in Asian art and archaeology.

Conference participation
Scholars of Asian art (visual and performing) and archaeology from Europe and beyond are invited to submit their proposals dealing with the art and archaeology of the whole area of Asia from the Asia Pacific to the East Mediterranean (e.g. East Asia, Northeast Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia and West Asia) as well as transregional, transmedial and transnational studies. The proposals can also focus on performing arts, critical theory and methodology in the above-mentioned areas. Advanced graduate students are encouraged to submit their proposals. The language of the conference is English.

Please note that the 4th EAAA Conference will be held in person. All speakers are expected to give a paper on site. Non-presenting participants to the conference are encouraged to take part either on site or online.

The EAAA board accepts the following formats of participation:

Individual paper:
Paper proposal (max. 250 words), including the title of the paper and the name of the speaker. Each paper
presentation should last 20 minutes, allocating 10 minutes at the end for questions for discussions. Individual paper proposals will be grouped by the Selection Committee into 3–4 paper panels on a unifying theme.

Panel proposal:
Panel proposal (max. 250 words), including the title of the panel, panel organiser(s), panellists and chair/discussant; 3–4 paper abstracts (max. 250 words each, individually saved in WORD). The Selection Committee reserves the right to modify the panel structure.

Performing arts:
We welcome papers that include the demonstration of the performing arts (for example, dance, music, and theater): please send abstract (max. 250 words), title of the lecture demonstration, name and affiliation of the speaker, and short sample of demonstration of up to three minutes, in form of a mp4 video (via WeTransfer) or a video link (none will be published). As with all papers, the presentation will be max. 20 minutes in length followed by 10 minutes of discussion.

Poster presentation:
Poster proposal (max. 250 words), including the title of the poster and the name of the presenter. Each poster must fit within a 122 cm × 122 cm area; 71.1 cm × 55.9 cm landscape orientation, with main points visible from ca. 2 m away. The poster needs to be printed in full colour in advance.

All applicants are asked to add a short CV of about 100 words, their status and affiliation (e.g. PhD candidate, University of Leeds) as well as contact information (postal address, telephone number, e-mail address) to their proposal application.

Please also note the following participation role limits:
- Panel organisers can serve as chair/discussants or panellists in their pre-organised panel.
- Panellists are discouraged to serve as chair/discussants in the same panel in which they are speaking.
- Panellists may participate in a panel as chair/discussant in which they are not speaking.
- Each participant can give only one paper presentation

All proposals saved in WORD format (not PDF) should be sent to by 15 October 2024. All submitted proposals will be anonymised and reviewed by the Selection Committee. The notification of acceptance will be made by 31 January 2025. The preliminary conference programme will be published by 31 May 2025.

The final conference programme will be published by 15 August 2025.

EAAA membership fees:
A two-year membership (2025–2026) of EAAA (regular 60.- €, students 20.- €) is a prerequisite for all participants. Become an EAAA member here.

Conference registration fees:
The conference registration fee covers coffee breaks, refreshments and the opening reception.

Early bird registration before 30 April 2025
Regular EAAA members 75.- €
Student EAAA members 40.- €

Registration (in-person participation for giving papers and/or attending all the sessions on site)
before 15 July 2025
Regular EAAA members 85.- €
Student EAAA members 45.- €

For those who will not attend the conference in person but wish to attend the sessions virtually, we are
pleased to offer the following option:

Online participation for attending all the sessions (registration before 31 August 2025)
Regular EAAA members 45.- €
Student EAAA members 25.- €

Further information
For more information on the EAAA and its conference, please visit EAAA website:

Later, suggestions for accommodations in Lisbon and all other information will be posted on the website.
For questions related to the conference, please email:
For questions related to the EAAA, please email:

Organisational committee:
Mariana Diniz – (UNIARQ)
Luís Afonso Urbano - (CH-Ulisboa, Artis &ACN-Europe)
Elisabetta Colla – (CH-ULisboa – UNIARQ - ACN and ACN-Europe and EAAA)
Iside Carbone – (RAI-UK, ACN, ACN- Europe, CH-Ulisboa & EAAA)
António Barrento (CH-Ulisboa)
Diana Nukushina (UNIARQ & Embassy of Japan in Portugal)

Carine Silva de Souza (UNIARQ)
Rafael Lima (UNIARQ)

CFP: 4th EAAA conference (Lisbon, 8-13 Sep 25). In:, Sep 12, 2024 (accessed Jan 15, 2025), <>.
