CFP 01.07.2024

Women Critics and Art Historians (Rome, 22-23 May 25)

Rome, 22.–23.05.2025
Eingabeschluss : 30.09.2024

Consuelo Lollobrigida

Since the last two decades of the 20th century, gender studies have contributed to acknowledge the fundamental role of women within the cultural, political and emancipative reflection of the society.

Thanks to women studies, many women artists from the past times have been brought into light giving shape to women art history as a newly branded discipline. Women - who have participated to modeling museums, have shared their intellectual thought or have simply participated to any scholarly movement - have not yet deeply and correctly investigated. In 2022 two conferences, one in Macerata and one in Genoa (Italy), and the following publication of the proceedings (Le donne storiche dell’arte tra tutela, ricerca e valorizzazione have substantially spotted a new light on these women whose knowledgeable merits had been totally ignored and downcast.

This call aims to welcome proposals to shed more light to this specific topic and to draw attention on art historians, historians of architecture, superintendents and museum directors, militant critics, and all the women who have actively worked in the field of the arts.

Areas/themes to be considered include biography and intellectual movement, but they are not limited to:
Lidia Bianchi, Rossana Bossaglia, Maria Vittoria Brugnoli, Maria Catelli Isola, Anna Forlani Tempesta, Vera Fortunati, Noemi Gabrielli, Mina Gregori, Graziella Leonardi Bontempo, Mirella Levi d’Ancona, Carla Lonzi, Manna Maria Matteucci, Amalia Mezzetti, Angiola Maria Romanini, Paola Rossi, Ilaria Toesca, Licia Collobi Ragghianti, Anna Maria Petrioli Tofani.

To submit a proposal:
- Write an abstract in English in word; max. 1000 words (excl. authors name(s) and contact details). Include a short bio of 150 words max.
- Save the proposal as following: WCAH_name and family name
- Include a short CV
- E-mail to

Practical information:
- Call for papers deadline: September 30, 2024
- Successful applicants will receive a notification by January 14, 2025
- The talks should be no longer than 20 minutes
- The organizers cannot contribute towards transport and/or accommodation costs of speakers or attendees
- Excluded papers won’t be notified.

The conference will take place at University of Arkansas Rome Center and Palazzo Braschi, Rome, and will combine selected paper presentations with keynote speakers.
The final program will be communicated in mid-march 2025.

Convened by Eliana Carrara, Patrizia Dragoni, Consuelo Lollobrigida and Ilaria Miarelli Mariani
Organized by: Università di Macerata, Università di Genova, University of Arkansas Rome Program, Musei Civici di Roma

CFP: Women Critics and Art Historians (Rome, 22-23 May 25). In:, 01.07.2024. Letzter Zugriff 01.04.2025. <>.
