Dialogues Beyond Time. Research, Discussion, Sharing.
The PhD course “History, Critics and Conservation of Cultural Heritage” from the University of Padua presents their international symposium Dialogues through time, organized by PhD students of the 38th PhD course and directed at PhD students from national and international universities.
The main theme of the symposium is the dialogue, heard not only as a form of communication, but in its different potentials and declinations in fields such as archeology, history of art, music, cinema and performance studies; this exchange operates on a chronological, methodological, cultural, material or geographical level. The conference aims to initiate a reflection that can offer novel perspectives and highlight the indispensable role of confrontation, exchange and the circulation and transmission of knowledge. For that, the theme could be understood as in a chronological development, going from the conception, creation and historical reception of goods and art pieces, to an analytical approach and a contemporary use of cultural heritage. In that sense, it is intended as a constant and dynamic discussion, involving not just the “actors and protagonists” from history and contemporary research, but also people outside of it but taking part in it in another way. This implies a polymorphous and dynamic dialogue in order to reduce the distance between eras, cultures and spaces. The interaction between academic institutions and society is also fundamental in contemporary society, in order to open a two-way dialogue for both explaining the results and receiving new incentives and needs that research should address.
Contributions should be submitted in form of an abstract (300 words and 3 to 5 keywords), highlighting results, open questions and critical issues around the following themes:
Methodological dialogues:
- Reflections on theoretical and practical aspects of innovative methodological applications.
- Exchange of models, data and information between various parts of a field.
- Methodological approaches from different fields, especially different from the main subject, i.e. how multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity foster research.
- Critical relations with material or immaterial sources, intended as documents, manufactured objects, artwork, monuments, artistic performances.
Dialogue with the other
- Comparative analysis between cultures, religions, artistic practices or gender issues.
- Reading and interpretations of the landscape and visual contexts, especially in regards to anthropical impact.
- Morphology of real and digital spaces (urban, architectural, scenical) as a generator for connections or fractures.
Dialogue with the outside
- Means and tools of communication and popularization for specialized and non specialized audience.
- Adoption of ad hoc strategies in order to convey content and make it accessible, overstepping cultural and/or sensorial boundaries.
- Interaction with the institutions, and public and private bodies.
The symposium will be held in person at the University of Padua and allows two types of contribution (in italian or in english): short presentations (max 7 min.) or long presentations (max 15 min.). Both types of intervention will be followed by a 3-minutes discussion.
The submissions should come with a title and an abstract (in italian or in english) of max. 300 words and 3-5 keywords, specifying the type of presentation. The participants should submit their contributions before the 7th of July 2024 to the following address: convegnodottorale2024.dbcunipd.it. The submissions should also include a short biography and the PhD year they are in.
The evaluation of the submissions will be done by the Scientific Committee, composed of students and teachers of the department of Cultural heritage from the University of Padua; the results will be communicated before the 1st of August 2024.
Edition of the contributions
The contribution should be sent for publication before the 30th of January 2025, written according to the norms that will be communicated further along.
CFP: Dialogues Beyond Time (Padua, 14-15 Nov 24). In: ArtHist.net, Jun 16, 2024 (accessed Mar 12, 2025), <https://arthist.net/archive/42133>.