Why have there been no great women architects?
Feminist Perspectives on Gendered Spaces in Modern Architecture and Art History.
Our conference will explore the intricate linkages between society, gender and space from a decidedly feminist perspective. In so doing, it seeks to emphasize both the productivity of women across all architectural and planning dimensions, as well as art historical discourses regarding the gendered perception and use of space.
Notwithstanding decades of feminist research, monographs and exhibitions on women architects, and reference to gender issues in the history of architecture and art, there still remains a lack of mainstream visibility. A further issue to be addressed is what constitutes feminist or gender-sensitive architecture. How can “gendered spaces” be defined, who declares them as such, what role do social constructions, cultural or ethnic differences play? What approaches did women architects and planners of the 19th and 20th centuries pursue and what theoretical discourses were conducted by them or about them? Where did their contributions already become canonical and why? Who is doing research on “gendered spaces” and how is this research anchored in universities?
Friday, June 14
Architekturzentrum Wien, Museumsplatz 1 at the MQ
Angelika Fitz, Director Architekturzentrum Wien
Harald Stühlinger, Head of Research Unit Art History, TU Wien
Thomas Moser & Sabine Plakolm-Forsthuber
Chair: Leonie Mühlegger
Eliana Perotti (Zurich)
Die „sentimentale gelehrtseynwollende hässliche Preussin, Gräfin Poninski-Dohna“, Autorin des ersten städtebaulichen Traktats in Deutschland: Misogynie und Missachtung
Kristin Barry (Muncie, IN)
Women for Women’s Spaces: Gendered Space and Design in the Emerging Modern United States
Coffee Break
Chair: Mihaly Andras Nemeth
Rainer Schützeichel (Potsdam)
Emilie Winkelmann: Pionierin der bürgerlichen Architektur von und für Frauen in Berlin und Potsdam
Apolline Vranken (Brussels)
De-Pioneering the History of Architecture: From Simone Guillissen-Hoa (1916-1996) to her Constellations
Coffee Break
Chair: Theresa Knosp
Sigal Davidi (Tel Aviv)
A Gender Perspective of the History of Architecture: The Case of the First Israeli Women Architects
Sabine Plakolm-Forsthuber (Vienna)
Dora Gad: Gestalterin des Israeli Design der 1950er bis 1970er Jahre
Coffee Break
Keynote I
Moderation: Monika Platzer
Despina Stratigakos (Buffalo, NY)
The Collaborative (Re)turn: Next-Gen Methodologies in Women’s Architectural Histories
Saturday, June 15
TU Wien, Boecklsaal (AA 01 62), Karlsplatz 13, 2nd Floor
Keynote II
Moderation: Harald Stühlinger
Mary Pepchinski (Berlin)
In Search of Feminist Architectural History/Theory: Questions for the Canon(s)
Coffee Break
Chair: Harald Stühlinger
Dörte Kuhlmann (Vienna)
Der Raub der Sabinerinnen in der frühen Moderne: Die Integration der jungen Architektinnen in den Diskurs
Hilde Heynen (Leuven)
Architectural Theory and Feminism: Entanglements since the 1970s
Lunch Break
Chair: Sabina Riß
Elana Shapira (Vienna)
The Journalist and Politician Gisela Urban and the Creation of Gendered Space in Interwar Viennese Media
Johanna Sluiter (Bern)
Edith Schreiber-Aujame, AEP, and the Potential of Female Architectural Agency
Coffee Break
Tanja Kilzer (Trier)
Eine weibliche Form des Gedenkens? Die Rolle von Architektinnen im Bereich der Gedenkstättenarchitektur
Rosanna Umbach (Bremen)
Zwischen Kollektiv und Küche: Rezeptionsgeschichte(n) und queer_feministische Raumpraxen
CONF: Why have there been no great women architects? (Wien, 14-15 Jun 24). In: ArtHist.net, May 25, 2024 (accessed Feb 23, 2025), <https://arthist.net/archive/41960>.