CONF May 15, 2024

Image Deluge and Globalization (Geneva, 19-21 Jun 24)

GamMAH, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Promenade des Pins 5, Geneva, Switzerland, Jun 19–21, 2024

Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Université de Genève, CH

Image Deluge and Globalization.
Hackathon and international conference

- June 17-18: Hackathon: Globalization, Images, Culture - Université de Genève, Philosophes, Boulevard des Philosophes 22
- June 19-21: Conference - GamMAH, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Promenade des Pins 5

Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Larissa Buchholz, Northwestern School of Communication
Prof. Emmanuel Alloa, Université de Fribourg
Hon. Prof. Arjun Appadurai, NYU Steinhardt

Conclusive Roundtable:
Prof. Ludovic Tournès, Université de Genève

The fields of visual studies, cultural history, and art history have encountered considerable challenges in addressing the plurality of images. These disciplines typically favour a singular outlook on images, neglecting the sheer deluge of visual representations that characterize the modern media landscape.

Nevertheless, the constant flood of images has been part of our daily lives since the introduction of mass reproduction techniques, evolving alongside the gradual development of engraving, illustrated print, advertisement, cinema, television, video games, and now digital media. Observers of these consecutive stages of mass visual communication and consumption have consistently linked this phenomenon with the broader concept of globalization, often raising concerns about cultural homogenization, and loss of identity.

This conference aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of image globalization, representing the wide range of subjects and methodologies used in the domain.

Conference Program

DAY 1 - June 19th

09:00 Welcome Coffee
09:30 Introduction, Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Université de Genève
10:00 Keynote : Larissa Buchholz, The Global Rules of Art
11:30 Presentation of Hackathon’s Results on Cultural Globalization. Adrien Jeanrenaud, Adélaïde Quenson, Marie Barras, Université de Genève

14:30 Anne-Laure Oberson, Mapping the Multifariousness of the Image in Time of Globalization
15:00 Florian Rosinski, The (not so) Global Image on Display
15:30 Vanessa Gravenor, “Image Blurs”. Overwhelming War Images
16:30 Jonathan Stafford, A Deluge of Sea Images: Exploring Global Crisis and Contemporaneity
17:00 Adrien Jeanrenaud, Movie Posters in Global Circulation
17:30 Explore: A Platform to Track the Circulation of Images in the Illustrated Press. Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Marie Barras, Adrien Jeanrenaud, Université de Genève

DAY 2 - June 20th

09:00 Welcome Coffee
09:30 Keynote 2 : Arjun Appadurai, Image, Stories and Streaming: Entertainment and Big Data in India
10:30 Joyce S. Cheng, The Symbolic Ornament in the Age of Technical Reproducibility: The Case of Hello Kitty
11:00 Nelly Janotka, Intended to Cross National and Cultural Divides: Art Reproductions from Ikea
11:30 Adélaïde Quenson, Street Art in the Digital Age: The Case of 1UP Crew

13:30 Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Towards Global Visual Cultural Analytics ?
14:00 Marie Barras, Is 'La Parisienne' only 'Made in Paris'?
Perspectives on Globalization and Identity in Belle Époque Fashion
14:30 Tristan Dot, Moving Motifs in 19th century Britain: On the Global Circulation of Textile Patterns in the Industrial Age
15:30 Catherine Dossin, Atala's Visual Deluge: Tracing the Circulation of Images in the Age of Napoleon
16:00 Radu Suciu, Ailing Venus: Exploring the Visual Culture of Veneral Diseases
16:30 Alexandre Puche, The Dispute of the New World will not Take Place
17:00 B-AI-YEUX, Images and Globalization
Exhibition, Uni Mail

DAY 3 - June 21th

09:00 Welcome Coffee
09:30 Keynote 3 : Emmanual Alloa, The Container Image: Warburg in the Age of Cargomobility
10:30 Steffen Wöll, Visual Ingestions and the New Flesh: Re-vewing Global Image Economies in David Cronenberg's Videodrome (1983)
11:00 Maria Eriksson, Truthful Pixels: On the Measurement of Realism in Synthetic Images
11:30 Ludovic Tournès, Roundtable and Final Remarks

Organizing committee: Prof. Béatrice Boyeux-Prunel, Marie Barras, Adrien Jeanrenaud, Alexandra Fabry-Tochilina, Adélaïde Quenson, Thomas Gauffroy-Naudin, Nicola Carboni, Bokar N’Diaye, Guillaume Aebi.

For more information:

CONF: Image Deluge and Globalization (Geneva, 19-21 Jun 24). In:, May 15, 2024 (accessed Feb 11, 2025), <>.
