CONF May 3, 2024

Making Museum Professionals (online, 13 May 24)


Claire Wintle, University of Brighton

Workshop: "Making Museum Professionals: Transnational Forces", online, hosted by Fordham University, USA.

Part of the AHRC-funded network ‘Making Museum Professionals, 1850-Now’, this online conference brings academics and practitioners together to consider the past, present and future of museum work, focusing on the impacts of transnational forces on shaping museum professions and professionals. Together, speakers and participants will:
- examine the transnational forces that have impacted museum professionals
- consider professionals’ mobility and networks of patronage/influence
- investigate organisations and networks for transnational training and development
- uncover mechanisms that produce movement of knowledge around the world
- ask how ‘centre’ and ‘periphery’ were and are constructed and contested

Bonita Bennett, Heritage Consultant, South Africa
Akash Bharadwaj, Shiv Nadar University, India
Julia Harth, Ohio State University, USA
Kahyun Lee, Royal College of Art / Tate Modern, UK           
Tamsin Russell, Museums Association, UK
Tony Kalume, Diversity Lewes, UK
Nicola Bird, Mila Malko, Valerii Malko, Multaka-Oxford, UK

PROGRAM: MAY 13, 2024 (BST)

2.00 pm
Welcome/Introduction: Nushelle de Silva, Fordham University

SESSION 1: The Forces of Transnational Practice
Chair: Kate Hill; Moderator: Claire Wintle

 2.15 pm
Bonita Bennett, Heritage Consultant, South Africa: Museum Activism for Democracy and Anti-Racism in South Africa

2.30 pm
Akash Bharadwaj, Shiv Nadar University, India: Regional Spaces, Transnational Aspirations: A Case Study of Bihar Museum

 2.45  pm
Julia Harth, Ohio State University, US: ICOM’s Impact: International Institutions and Professional Practice

3.00 pm
Kahyun Lee, Royal College of Art / Tate Modern, UK:    Transnational Narratives in Collection Display and Beyond at Tate Modern

3.15 - 3.45 pm

SESSION 2: The Forces of Transnational Practice
Chair: Andrea Meyer; Moderator: Kate Hill

 3.45 pm
Tamsin Russell, Museums Association, UK: The Impact of Brexit on Museum Professionals

 4.00 pm
BeKuto waSirya a.k.a. Tony Kalume, Diversity Lewes, UK: Technology as Transnational Force: Impact on Museum Professionals and Cultural Legacies

 4.15 pm
Nicola Bird, Mila Malko and Valerii Malko, Multaka Oxford, UK: Migration and Museums

 4.30 pm
Roundtable Discussion, chaired by Nushelle de Silva and Claire Wintle

 5.00 pm

Registration and participation:


To learn more about 'Making Museum Professionals, 1850-Now' please visit the research network website:

CONF: Making Museum Professionals (online, 13 May 24). In:, May 3, 2024 (accessed Feb 18, 2025), <>.
