CONF 25.04.2024

Modernisms in an extended territorial context (Vienna, 7 May 24)

Belvedere 21, Arsenalstraße 1, 1030 Vienna, 07.05.2024

Dr. Miroslav Halak

Modernisms in an Extended Territorial Context. Storms and Networks. In the Eye of the Storm.

Tuesday, May 7th 2024 9 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Belvedere 21
Arsenalstraße 1, 1030 Vienna
Blickle Kino

Get your free online ticket at:

Modernism is not a compact phenomenon of art history.
By the end of the 19th century, the art scenes in the established cultural centres were becoming increasingly diverse, but the paradigm shift did not take place only in Paris, London, Berlin, and Vienna. From 1900 onwards, very intense impulses for the entire modern art movement came from the various regions of Central and South-Eastern Europe. But how can the territory of networked and exchanged modernity be delimited? Where are the geopolitical boundaries of what we call “modernity” in the broad cultural sense?
How far has the notion of a new art that breaks its formal norms and deconstructs social conventions penetrated? Rather than drawing alternative maps that, with a diachronic approach, re-establish the boundaries of the modernist world again and in a different way, we are also moved to examine this question critically in the light of current revisions of concepts such as nation, border, identity, history, myth, etc. On the occasion of the exhibition In the Eye of the Storm, the Austrian Gallery Belvedere is organising a scientific symposium with the aim of discussing with experts on this period of art the question of the situation of Modernism in the peripheral centres of art history. Kharkiv, Lviv, Odesa, as well as Kosice, Krakow, Brno, Miskolc, and many other places, but also small regions outside the mainstream of international galleries, have an exciting scene, or simply solitaires of art, without which Modernism could not achieve the global impact it did.

Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt. Das Symposium beginnt um 09:00 Uhr mit einer Kurator:innenführung durch die Ausstellung In the Eye of the Storm im Unteren Belvedere. Ab 10:30 Uhr folgen die Vorträge im Blickle Kino des Belvedere 21. Während der ganztägigen Veranstaltung werden den Besucher:innen in den Pausen Wasser und warme Getränke angeboten. Die Veranstaltung ist nach Anmeldung auf: frei zugänglich.

Contacts to the organizers:
Dr. Miroslav Halak: +43 / 664 800 141 336;
Mariia Pylypenko:


In the Eye of the Storm. Modernism in Ukraine
Exhibition tour with the curators
Konstantin Akinsha, Katia Denysova, Maryna Drobotiuk, Miroslav Haľák

Greetings and Introduction
Stella Rollig (Belvedere, Vienna)

Panel I: Preconditions / Situation / Continuity / Discontinuity
Moderation: Konstantin Akinsha

Brno Modernism and the Formation of Regional /
Transnational Identity, 1900 – 1939
Matthew Rampley (Masaryk University, Brno)

Vsevolod Maksymovych: from Secession to Futurism
Maryna Drobotiuk (National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv)

How to get to a common art history of European Modernism. A somewhat naive proposal
Dorota Kudelska (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)

12:30 Discussion and lunch break

Panel II: The fetishism of folk art and the crime of ornament
Moderation: Alexander Klee (Belvedere, Vienna)

From Folk to Abstract: Ukrainian Embroidery as a Medium for Modernist Experimentation
Katia Denysova (The University of Tübingen)

Ornament and Avant-garde
Konstantin Akinsha (Freelance curator and researcher)

Slovak Modernity in Search of Identity. Between Folklore and Industrialization
Miroslav Haľák (Belvedere, Vienna)

15:30 Discussion and coffee break

Panel III: Peripheral centres
Moderation: Miroslav Haľák

Bridging Borders: Abstract Artistic Dialogue between Paris and Central European Peripheries
Flóra Mészáros (Metropolitan University of Budapest)

Czech modernisms as pioneers and not epigones? Networks between Prague, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Budapest and Lviv
Marie Rakušanová (Charles University Prague)

Lemberg / Lwów / Lviv on the map of European modernism
Andrij Bojarov (media artist, freelance researcher, independent curator)

17:45 Final Discussion and break

18:30 Keynote Lecture
Myroslava Mudrak (The Ohio State University)

CONF: Modernisms in an extended territorial context (Vienna, 7 May 24). In:, 25.04.2024. Letzter Zugriff 12.03.2025. <>.
