JOB 26.03.2024

PostDoc Researcher, Art Academies in China, FU Berlin

Freie Universität Berlin, Institute for Art History
Bewerbungsschluss: 15.04.2024

Juliane Noth

The Institute of Art History at Freie Universität Berlin invites applications for a post-doctoral position for the duration of four years within the research project “Art Academies in China: Global Histories and Institutional Practices” (CHINACADEMY), funded through a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC-CoG-2021, no. 101043504). The project investigates art academies, their global histories and institutional practices, as the most significant actors in modern Chinese art. It aims at a new understanding of the aesthetic, social, and political conditions of artistic creation in modern and contemporary China. Tracing the transnational connections to Japan, France, the Soviet Union, and other regions, it shows how institutional structures and artistic practices were adapted to the requirements of Chinese society in acts of cultural translation. Three academies serve as case studies: The Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, and the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. The integration of ink painting into the academic system is be the subject of a fourth case study.
Further information on the project:

Job description:
- Conducting research for the ERC research project (Case Study 4)
- Working on individual publications including a project-related research monograph as well as joint project publications
- Organizing and contributing to the research group’s conferences and other events
The salary will be paid at an E 13 TV-L (100%) level as defined by German public sector regulations.
We are inviting applications for a post-doctoral position to investigate the pedagogies of Chinese ink painting and its histories in the academies. We are seeking a candidate specializing in the history of modern Chinese art with a strong interest in its transnational entanglements.

Completed doctorate in art history or a related field at the time of appointment.

- Expertise in modern Chinese art history
- Excellent proficiency in Chinese and English
- High motivation to collaborate with the other researchers in the team
For more information please contact Prof. Dr. Juliane Noth (

Applications should be sent by e-mail, together with significant documents (Letter of motivation stating the interest in the project, CV, list of publications (if applicable), writing sample (article or thesis chapter), certificates) indicating the reference code, in PDF format (preferably as one document) to Prof. Dr. Juliane Noth: or postal to

Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Kunsthistorisches Institut
Prof. Dr. Juliane Noth
Koserstr. 20
14195 Berlin

With an electronic application, you acknowledge that FU Berlin saves and processes your data. FU Berlin cannot guarantee the security of your personal data if you send your application over an unencrypted connection.

JOB: PostDoc Researcher, Art Academies in China, FU Berlin. In:, 26.03.2024. Letzter Zugriff 12.03.2025. <>.
