STIP Nov 6, 2023

APS Travel Grant to attend CAA Conference

Application deadline: Dec 1, 2023

Galina Mardilovich

The Association of Print Scholars (APS) is pleased to offer a travel grant in the amount of $500 to a scholar presenting a paper at the College Art Association Annual Conference (2024).

In an effort to increase access and promote innovative approaches to printmaking, APS is especially committed to subsidizing a graduate student, adjunct lecturer, and emerging or independent scholar, who has limited institutional resources to cover costs related to presenting at CAA. Expenses covered by the grant can include, but are not limited to, conference registration fees, travel, lodging, subsistence fees, and costs associated with accessibility needs.

The 2024 APS Travel Grant in the amount of $500 will be awarded to one member, whose paper has been accepted for participation in the 2024 CAA Annual Conference to be held in person in Chicago, IL, from February 14 to 17, 2024. The deadline to submit application materials for support to attend the 2024 CAA Conference is December 1, 2023, for notification by December 15.

Applications will be evaluated on the intellectual merit of the paper and applicant’s need.

Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicant must be an APS member in good standing.
- Applicant’s paper must focus on an aspect of printmaking or printmaking history.
- Applicant must be presenting a paper (other roles, such as chair, discussant, or roundtable participant are not eligible to apply). Please note that papers accepted to the APS-affiliated panel are eligible for consideration.
- Applicant must live outside the conference city.
- Applicant’s paper cannot have been presented previously at another conference.

To apply, please submit the following materials as a single PDF via email to by December 1, 2023:

- Paper title and abstract of the accepted paper (no more than 250 words). Please also include the title of the panel, names of the chair(s), and proof of acceptance to the conference.
- A brief description of how the paper relates to the applicant’s overall research goals or project (no more than 250 words)
- CV (no more than 2 pages)
- A brief statement demonstrating need, with a tentative travel budget where appropriate (no more than 150 words)

Within 30 days after the conference, the recipient is required to submit a brief report (maximum 250 words) outlining how participation furthered the development of their work, research, or networking opportunities. If the recipient has to withdraw from the conference for any reason, all funds must be returned to APS no later than the opening day of the conference.

STIP: APS Travel Grant to attend CAA Conference. In:, Nov 6, 2023 (accessed Feb 18, 2025), <>.
