CFP Apr 21, 2023

Cross-Media Perspectives (Leuven/Brussels, 11-13 Jan 24)

Leuven and Brussels, Jan 11–13, 2024
Deadline: Jun 1, 2023

Wannes Wets

'XXIII Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting' Cross-Media Perspectives – Technical Studies of Art on Panel, Paper and Parchment (1400-1600), Leuven and Brussels, 11th-13th January 2024.

After the successful Van Eyck Studies (2012), Imaging Utopia (2017), Bruegel Success Story (2018), and Alla Maniera (2021) symposia, the 23rd Symposium of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting will be held in Leuven and Brussels and will coincide with the exhibition “Dieric Bouts. Creator of Images” in Museum M. The conference aims to stimulate networking and provides a unique opportunity for professionals to share knowledge and experience on important cases. It also provides a forum for the discussion of innovative developments in tools and methodologies for the study of artworks.

The XXIII Symposium will provide a scientific forum for the presentation of new technical studies in art history, concentrating on art from the Middle Ages and Early Modern period (1400-1600). The conference will focus on the technical examination of art in a variety of media and supports: panel paintings, painting on parchment and canvas, drawings, cartoons, sketches, model- and sketchbooks, prints and manuscript illuminations. The main theme will be cross-media perspectives in the context of artistic materials, working methods, and the dissemination of concepts. Similarities in design might indicate cultural, social, geographical, or chronological connections in paintings, drawings, prints etc. as well as links across other artistic media. Recent developments in viewing platforms, artificial intelligence and machine learning can offer alternative possibilities in this research field, stimulate contacts and the exchange of experience, and form a bridge between art and science.

The working language of the symposium is English. The lectures will be published in the proceedings in the Series Underdrawing and Technology in Painting (Peeters Publishers). The abstract submission deadline is Thursday, June 1st, 2023.

-Art technical studies in the context of the research and the conservation of paintings by Dieric Bouts and contemporaries
-Studies on the technical examination of art on different supports: on wood, paper and parchment broadly created between 1400-1600
-Studies on technical examination of illuminated manuscripts or manuscript illustrated with drawings
-Studies of underdrawings, sketches, cartoons, model books and illuminated manuscripts to transfer concepts from one to another medium
-Case studies on the identification of materials employing innovative imaging and analytical methods
-New tools, methodologies and viewing platforms to disseminate visual and analytical data for technical art history
-Innovative uses of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the field of connoisseurship

Submissions instructions:
- Abstracts can be submitted for oral and poster presentations. Submitting authors can select their preferred type of presentation in the online submission platform. The final decision whether an abstract submission is accepted as an oral presentation or poster presentation will be taken by the Scientific Committee.
- Abstracts are to be written in English and should be submitted electronically using the Conftool abstract management system. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
- There is no limit to the number of abstracts an individual may submit. Please note that the scientific committee may limit the number of oral presentations for one individual.
- All authors have consented to be included as co-authors, have read and approved the abstract and its contents, and agree with the results stated. Please note that after the abstract submission deadline has passed, further changes cannot be accepted.
- All abstracts must be relevant to the symposium topics that are mentioned here above.

Please respect the word limits for the length of the abstract:
- Title: maximum 20 words
- Abstracts: maximum 600 words
- Keywords: minimum 3, maximum 5

The abstract submission deadline is Thursday, June 1st, 2023.
The notification letters to the authors will be sent Monday, July 3rd, 2023.
The registration and payment deadline for authors in order to present, is Monday, September 18th, 2023.

Please submit following this link:
For more general information, please visit:

CFP: Cross-Media Perspectives (Leuven/Brussels, 11-13 Jan 24). In:, Apr 21, 2023 (accessed Mar 11, 2025), <>.
